Monday, July 22, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hoʻoponopono Water Blessing San Onofre

Ho'opononpono Water Blessing San Onofre

Water, I am sorry.
Water, please forgive me.
Water, I love you.
Water, thank you.

73% of the 948,956 spent fuel rods generated by The San Onofre Nukes are still stored in the plant's two spent fuel pools.

The time has come to set our intention about how we want to safely store this waste for the next 1 million years.

The Peace Of "I"

Peace be with you, All My Peace,
The Peace that is ” I “, the Peace that is “I am”.
The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.
My Peace ” I ” give to you, My Peace ” I ” leave with you,
Not the world’s Peace, but, only My Peace,
The Peace of ” I “.

Click here for the San Onofre Water Blessing Photoset 

O ka Maluhia no me oe, Ku'u Maluhia a pau loa,
Ka Maluhia o ka "I", owau no ka Maluhia,
Ka Maluhia no na wa a pau, no ke'ia wa a mau a mau loa aku.
Ha'awi aku wau I ku'u Maluhia ia oe, waiho aku wau I ku'u Maluhia me oe,
A'ole ka Maluhia o ke ao aka, ka'u Maluhia wale no,
Ka Maluhia o ka "I".

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Saturday, July 13, 2013


To the people of Japan,
We, the anti-nuclear activists and environmentalists around the world, are very sorry this catastrophic nuclear accident has happened to the people in the land of Japan. We will continue to support and pray for you all.
Take heart and be strong and do not lose faith because in the aftermath of this tragic accident, there have been many thousands of people in the streets protesting one of the worst environmental disasters in the world. You now have a chance to lead the world and show us how to break the corrupt connection between the nuclear industry and governments.  You also have the opportunity to lead us in finding the solution of what to do with nuclear waste.  This, the whole world desperately needs.  I am speaking of the many millions of pounds of nuclear waste that are now present in our one world. It is not too late.  We still have time to prevent the looming disasters that the nuclear power industry and corrupt governments are perpetrating on the people of the world.
Take heart and lead the people as the strong and powerful intellectual force that you are.  Lead us in the right actions to save the world from any future nuclear disasters. We are counting on you and stand with you.
Gene Stone

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today 12 Noon Dr Masaru Emoto Water Blessing at San Onofre

Please join us for an afternoon with Dr Emoto and Ruben Saufkie performing his beautiful Hopi Water Blessing for the waters at San Onofre. Please invite healers with beautiful energy for this powerful Blessing <3

Water Blessing at San Onofre Power Plant
Time: July 11th @ 12pm Water Blessing with Masaru Emoto
Location: San Onofre State Beach (south end)

Thursday 6pm event with Dr Emoto, Ruben Saufkie, and Shakti Tribe in Newport Beach as well.

Also please join us at MATIZ Wellness Center on Friday Night where Ruben Saufkie will share Ceremony and Blessing for us all in the Hopi way,  and will also have some of his unique handmade Hopi Silver jewelry available as well.

Time: July 12th @ 7pm Hopi Blessing and Ceremony
Location: Matiz Wellness Center -  26932 Oso Pkwy  Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 547-9562

Please Participate When and Where You Can.

Continued Blessings for the Highest Good of All Life <3

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Is It Safe To Surf San Onofre?

Everybody is Goin Surfing Surfing USA!
Everybody is Goin Surfing Surfing USA! 
Recent whistle blower news from San Onofre, San Clemente Green has been told that Edison is in the process of releasing bulk chemicals into the ocean as a cost saving measure. Edison is emptying huge storage tanks containing sulfuric acid,  ammonia hydroxide and sodium hydroxide rather than dealing with them responsibly.

Another employee stated that, in general, everything is happening so fast right now that limits are being ignored and oversight is lax if not completely absent. Coincidentally, the decommissioning process allows for millions of pounds of toxic chemicals and radioactive waste to be discharged directly into the ocean near the surfers in and around San Onofre Surf Beach.

Is it safe to surf San Onofre? This is where the continuing silence of other local non profits gets scary. 

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Germany's Clean Energy Push: What Can the World Learn

Can Germany Lead California To Energy Freedom?

Germany's Clean Energy Push: What Can the World Learn

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Live, Free Webinar*

Tue, Jul 9, 2013 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Known as the Energiewende, or "energy transition", Germany's campaign to move to renewable power is ambitious, massively popular at home, and by many accounts, quite successful. With 25% of Germany's electricity currently being sourced from solar, wind, and biomass generation and a target of 80% renewable by 2050 in place, the German energy economy is worth watching.

What can the rest of Europe, the U.S., and other nations learn from one wealthy nation's aggressive clean energy push? Will Germany succeed in meeting its goals? Which are its biggest obstacles? And perhaps most importantly, can other nations replicate Germany's most positive achievements? Join us as we ask:

- What distinguishes Germany in terms of economics or political will that has made energiewende possible? Which nations have similar qualities?
- What has been Germany's most successful strategy in cleaning up its energy mix?
- Is the decision to eliminate nuclear power after the Fukushima event consistent with Germany's goals?
- What could prevent other nations from adopting similar strategies?


- Rainer Baake:
Director of Agora-Energiewende, former Deputy Minister of the German Federal Environmental Ministry

- Dr. Sören Buttkereit:
Vice President of regulatory strategies for Siemens Energy, focused on market design in the power sector and the adaptations required for a successful transition towards systems with a higher share of (intermittent) renewables.

- Stephanie Wang
Regulatory Policy Director for the Clean Coalition, a nonprofit working to encourage a modern energy system of smaller-scale, efficient, renewable energy projects.

- Jesse Jenkins, Moderator:
MIT Energy Initiative Energy Fellow and Community Manager at The Energy Collective, former Director of Energy and Climate Policy at the Breakthrough Instituteenergiewende possible? Which nations have similar qualities?

What has been Germany's most successful strategy in cleaning up its energy mix?

Is the decision to eliminate nuclear power after the Fukushima event consistent with Germany's goals?

What could prevent other nations from adopting similar strategies?


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Diablo Canyon Nuke Shut Down After Leak

    * Leak contained within unit, no radiation released (same thing said at first at SONGS)
    * Company didn't say when reactor would resume output
    * California power supply seen tight with unit shutdown

    June 26 (Reuters) - PG&E Corp shut the
1,122-megawatt Unit 1 at its Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant
in California from full power due to a leak that was contained
within the plant, a company spokesman said on Wednesday.
    "PG&E made the decision to take Unit 1 offline after routine
inspections detected a small buildup of boric acid on the
residual heat removal system," PG&E spokesman Thomas Cuddy said
in an email, adding there was no release of radiation.
    He said the residual heat removal system helps manage
reactor coolant temperatures in the unlikely event of an
emergency. Water leaked from the Diablo plant's unit was
contained, meaning it didn't leak into the environment.
    Cuddy said: "Unit 1 remains in a safe condition and will be
restored to service after repairs are complete."
    He did not say when the unit would return to service.
    "It's a maintenance issue. The repair work will not be
difficult or take long," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) spokeswoman Lara Uselding told Reuters.
    She said PG&E plans to "overlay a weld on top of the problem
weld. The residual heat removal system is normally in standby.
The plant is currently shut down and cooling down, so there is
even less of a safety issue."
    Electricity traders guessed the reactor would return in
about a week, which they said could cause power supplies in
California to be tight over the next several days with cooling
demand expected to be high amid a heat wave.
    Cuddy said PG&E had informed the NRC and appropriate local
and state officials about the shutdown.
    Meanwhile, Diablo Canyon 2 was operating at full power,
according to an NRC report Wednesday morning.
STATE:     California
COUNTY:    San Luis Obispo County
TOWN:      Avila Beach about 183 miles (294 km) northwest
           of Los Angeles
UNIT(S):   1 - 1,122 MW Westinghouse pressurized water reactor
           2 - 1,118 MW Westinghouse pressurized water reactor
FUEL:      Nuclear
DISPATCH:  Baseload
1968 -     Start of plant construction
1985 -     Unit 1 enters commercial service
1986 -     Unit 2 enters commercial service
2024 -     Unit 1 license to expire unless renewed
2025 -     Unit 2 license to expire unless renewed