Showing posts with label sccouncil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sccouncil. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

NRC it is time for States to Question your Authority

If you have not read the ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1954
 (, I would not only encourage you to do so I would ask you and your colleagues to reconsider the whole concept of giving the federal government all control and say so as to the use of nuclear energy as relates to the safety and power needs of California.

In the 1950s, nuclear was very new and not even understood correctly or completely by the experts. This is why the federal government took complete control of the entire industry. To control & produce materials needed to make weapons, to that end they sold the American public on nuclear energy as a future source of power. “Too cheap to meter “was the slogan. This has proven to be totally untrue. Now over 60 years later after much has been learned not only by the federal government but by the states who had to endure the constant radiation problems that persists at nuclear power plants that endanger the public welfare, producing on average 250 pounds per day per reactor. In America we have 5,000,000 pounds of highly toxic nuclear waste setting at our power plants. Which are licensed as “Power Plants not highly Toxic Nuclear Waste Dumps”.  more

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dan Hirsch Speaking to San Clemente Fukushima USA

Dan Hirsch, Nuclear expert speaking to the People of San Clemente,

 Could Fukushima happen here?

 The answer is yes.

Special thanks to Ace Hoffman for this very important video!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Replace Jen Tucker San Clemente

Jen Tucker San Clemente Disaster Guru #FAIL

Jen Tucker, SC's emergency preparedness guru, as a rule, 
paints a "no worries, we've got it covered" spin to a potential 
SONGS hiccup (nuke-jargon for "OMG Chet, it's happening!!!")
I've never heard her say otherwise.
And I've heard her a bunch.
But then, what's the other choice, scream, "We're All Doomed!"

Real estate honchos and chambers of commerce 
so hate the doomed-scenario.

Sad but true reality: in South County's post-disaster, post meltdown, 
post-radiation-plume, post evac dialogue, if we Shut SONGS Now, 
the hypothetical post-nuclear holocaust preparedness mumbo jumbo 
(which flies out the window anyway when the big-one hits, as chaos 
reigns supreme, aka Fukushima  and Chernobyl), becomes unnecessary.

That said - when counting I-5 freeway overpasses between SONGS
(San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station) and Crown Valley Pkwy,
12 or so miles to the north = 12. 

1-overpass per mile. 
Hmm (what goes up, can come down).

See what number you come up with. 
There may be more, where the I-5 freeway passes over, 
or under a city street, or rail line, or a creek below.

Continuing north to the 405 / I-5 interchange, at Alton Parkway: 
Overs and Unders equal = 1 per mile.

18 overpasses between SONGS and the 405?
Over or under 18-times, in 18-miles. 

4-years ago, in SJC, where I-5 spans Trubuco Creek, 
by total accident, Caltrans engineers discovered severe 
cracks in that I-5 span, and immediately retrofitted it.

I repeat - severe cracking, that was not supposed to be there.
By accident, they found it, and fixed it.

It's a safe bet, the most perfect evac-scenario conceived, 
fails, if just one of the 18, I-5 weak spots / overpasses / 
underpasses - collapse. Or in any way become
impassable. Then what?

Will the I-5 freeway, from Basilone Rd, to the 405, withstand an 8.0
at every elevated juncture?
Or a 7.5?
Or a 6.8?
Caltrans needs to give us the answer, quick.

Because, if even one cracks, when the big-one hits:
end of Evacuation Plan A (hello...Plan B?).

With SONGS shut for good, erases our one, big-bad negative 
when the big one does hit (as predicted).

So: Plan A - Shut SONGS now (for good).
Plan B: look for cracks in I-5, end-to-end, top-to-bottom, now.

Apologies to South County's chambers of commerce and 
realtors everywhere, for this unwelcome dose of 
evacuation Reality.

jerry collamer
San Clemente
Ca - 92672

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lessons Learned Fukushima USA

Into Eternity
How NOT to Learn the Lessons From Fukushima.
As a San Clemente City Manager or Council Member:

1) Exclude the public from voicing their serious safety concerns about SONWGS despite the fact that it was the public that demanded this meeting in the first place.

2) Discourage informed two-sided discussion at all cost.

3) Establish early on that the priority of the pubic meeting is the duration of the meeting and that exposing the gaping holes in our public safety is secondary.

4) Talk down to the public with the authority vesting in you by the very public that is now asking for your help.

5) Assume that the public, fearing for their safety, are alarmist, and that the experts have all the answers.

6) Repeat the exact mistakes made by public officials in Japan and align yourself with the interests of nuclear industry to the detriment of the public safety that you are mandated to protect.

7) Tell the PUBLIC that allowing them to voice their safety concerns at a PUBLIC meeting, that the PUBLIC has requested for 2 years, is not only impossible due to the City Council’s PUBLIC meeting protocols but also because it would simply take too much time.

Lessons Learned From Fukushima by the NRC and Power Plant Owners:

1) Suppress the HORRIFIC facts and do it with a sense of unassailable authority. It calms the pubic really well.

2) Offer the public TECHNICAL answers to MORAL questions regarding the immense public safety risks of nuclear power.  It confuses the public really well.

3) Lie to the public and if they don’t buy it, lie again and again until it becomes your truth.  It feels really good.

4) When you don’t have the answers to the public's serious safety questions, pretend that you do by baffling the pubic with your technical B.S.  It will make you feel really powerful.

5) Tell the public, when your nuclear reactor cores are in full meltdown, that “We have the situation under control”  Misinformation is your best friend.

6) As catastrophic levels of radioactive fallout peg the dial on your radiation detectors, simply shift the decimal point over several spaces on the detectors and again reassure the pubic that you "have everything under control."  This lesson worked really well inJapan to calm the public and prevent panic.

7) Intimidate the hell out of your employees so that they fear telling the truth about safety issue found at the plant.  It helps set up the pre-conditions for #8 below.

8) Frame all discussion about nuclear plant safety in such a way that all public meetings have a Hollywood style "happy ending".  America loves good fiction with a happy ending.

9) Focus on minutiae like “We practiced how to turn the valves properly” and downplay the REAL ISSUES like, “There is nothing we can do to protect you and your family if this thing blows and you will need to figure out how to protect yourselves from the onslaught of deadly radiation.”  It reinforces #1 above really well.

10) Don’t tell the public that a single nuclear accident doesn’t stop killing for hundreds of generations, or that a single fuel flea smaller than the size of the period at the end of this sentence is a death sentence to you or your children if you accidentally inhale it.  Opps, does this apply to everyone?

11) And definitely do not tell the U.S. public that they have been swimming in, and inhaling, Fukushima fuel fleas since April 2011.  That would be contradictory to item #1 above and does not lead to the happy ending in #8 above.

Into Eternity

Torgen Johnson

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

San Clemente City Council Says "Don't Dig Here For Truth"

#SCCouncil forgets pledge for a fair and balanced dialog.

There will be no free flow of information at the September 27th meeting here in San Clemente.

Last night's city Council decision to break up the Sept 27th meeting with the NRC & SCE into two separate meetings does not bode well for our communities' chance for a fair and balanced meeting as asked for by four city Council members.  City Manager George Scarborough made it clear that the NRC officials would not participate in the meeting if confronted by independent experts on the same date, using the excuse that to add 30 minutes for independent experts to speak on the same day would change the agenda. Mr. Scarborough and the city Council knew all along we intended to bring three independent speakers to the meeting.  Saying that we only informed them at the last city council meeting two weeks ago. This is untrue.  It is true we only told them their names two weeks ago.

We have been asking for this meeting and City Hall's help with it to inform the public about the safety issues at SONGS for two years. When the meeting is finally set, we, the ones who asked for the meeting, are banished to a 2nd day far,far away in some other galaxy at some other time & place, yet to be determined. 

Is that the fair and balanced approach to inform the public that we can expect in San Clemente?

Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)

Don't Dig Here