Showing posts with label 7th-Generation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7th-Generation. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


“If the ideas that rule our culture are stopping us from saving ourselves, then it is within our power to change those ideas.”  Naomi Klein

We humans are adept at fighting for what we are against.  Can we fight as hard for what we are for?  Socrates reminds us “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Many people, including ninety seven percent of climate scientists, agree that climate warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.  Some of the results of global warming, according to “Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet” are: global sea levels are rising, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass and the thickness of the Arctic Sea ice has declined rapidly over the last several decades. Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world.  The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed in the upper layer of the oceans is increasing by approximately 2 billion tons per year.  James Hansen, adjunct professor of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, believes that carbon pollution is set to end the era of stable climate.
SfS (4)
Solar for Seals project 2014
With these facts pointing to the devastation of life on Earth as we know it, what actions are we willing to take to assure the continuation of life on our beautiful planet?  We must join together now to do what we can do to make the necessary changes to reverse these trends.  Human beings have the capacity to learn and adapt quickly.  We are able to change old thinking and patterns of behavior and create change in positive ways.  There are political and economic forces that sometimes stand in the way of progress, but we do not have to allow these forces to prevent us from doing what we must.  Many individuals are moving forward with ideas to save our planet and creating supportive communities to make effective change.
One of the ways to avert this climate change crisis is to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels.  To this end, it is possible to switch to renewable energy.  People all over the world are creating wind farms, working with tidal power, wave power, solar power, hydroelectricity, and geothermal power.  Our organization, Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE) and Planet Earth Solar (PES) of San Clemente, CA. have successfully completed two solar projects: Oso Lake Boy Scout Camp Solar project, 2013 and the Pacific Marine Mammal Center Laguna Beach “Solar for Seals”, 2014.  ROSE and PES are currently working on a third solar project, “Solar for Non Profits” project for 2015.  We are committed to bringing people together in a community effort to provide solar power to non -profit organizations.  These organizations are already helping our social and environmental communities in various ways.  By assisting them with conversion to solar power, this adds another layer of depth to their commitment to bettering our world.
Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE) and Planet Earth Solar (PES) have selected The Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley (CSLCV) in San Clemente, CA. for our 3rd Solar Project 2015.  A 60 kW system consisting of 197 solar panels to provide clean, sustainable and environmentally safe energy will be built for the Center’s facility. As PES and ROSE and CSLCV donate our time and labor for this project, please join us in taking this environmental action as a citizen of the world. Be a part of the solution for our world’s clean and renewable energy future by donating today. The total cost of this project will be $135,000.00. The money the Center saves on energy costs will go to community projects. Your donation to this solar project will be greatly appreciated.
To help us, please use our Razoo fundraising site at: for your “tax deductible” donation.
“We are all flowers in the Great Spirit’s garden. We share a common root, and the root is Mother Earth.” Hopi Prophecy For.A. n

“The environment isn’t over here. The environment isn’t over there. You are the environment.” Chief Oren Lyons

It will take all of us working together now if we are to make a positive change for future generations.
Love, Gene and Joyce

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I do thank you for the time you took to reply. First I am very happy that for the most part I feel people working in the nuke field are good people and try to be as safe as possible, and that is good. But you are operating under a false premise. Read Dr. John Gofman.
The list of problems with nuclear are as long as my arm. I don’t have time to waste any longer with people who will not look at the facts. I will just say; ask my fellow native brothers of the Dine tribe of Az what the effects of uranium mining was on their people? Ask the people who build houses in Simi Valley CA after the nuclear disaster there and covered up for 20yrs, ask the people of 3 Mile Island and Chernobyl & Fukuashima Japan. Look at how many areas of the world where nuclear testing has been done and are off limits to humans.
My God man look at history, nature can and has undone anything man as been able to do. When one of those rockets going into space has an accident, humans will see the real problems with this technology.
It is very simple we should be making the world a better and safer place for our children and grandchildren to come, not making and storing dangerous and highly radioactive waste for 300,000 yrs for them to deal with, thinking that at some point we will find a way to deal with it and clean it up, just for our convenience at this point in time.
While it is clear that you have the nuclear blinders on and you want to think of yourself as right and that you have done the right thing for 33 yrs. People who think like this are the problem. History will judge us all for our actions.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fundraising for 2nd Peaceful Protest at San Onofre on April 29

We are now fundraising for the April 29 2nd Peaceful Protest at San Onofre state park campground. We are bringing Professor Daniel Hirsch from San Cruz CA down as our keynote speaker. To raise this money we are selling T-shirts in black that say “San Onofre Our Fukushima?”. We will be selling these at the SD Earth Day event April 22, and at the Protest on April 29. To get one earlier send me a email at: genston(at) Your help is appreciated.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Join the Women of Fukushima on 311 at San Onofre

Join us for a day of PEACEFUL PROTEST at San Onofre, the nuclear power plant with the worst safety record of all 104 reactors in America.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Nuclear Statement of Concern

While the world's worst ongoing nuclear accident Fukushima continues to spew its toxic waste cocktail around the world, people sit and try to pretend nothing has happened and that there is no immediate danger. But the fact is there is danger to our food supply danger to our water supply, danger to the unborn DNA of our children, danger of many hundreds of thousands of cancers in the future. But the biggest danger of all is how the governments around the world are completely ignoring the ongoing nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima reactors, and that the fact they haven't rushed to the aid of Japan to help solve this problem. Another problem that is very concerning is the fact that the corporate news media has completely dropped the ball on keeping the public informed.

When did the people of the world voluntarily concede to be part of this uncontrolled nuclear experiment? When will we stand up and put an end to this experiment? I for one have had enough of nuclear accidents and nuclear weapons that threaten the health and safety of all life on our one and only planet.

It is past time but not too late to think of the generations to come that will inherit the earth, after all these are our children and grandchildren. We must work together.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Circle Stands For Togetherness

"With us the circle stands for the togetherness of people who sit with one another around a fire, relatives and friends united in peace, while the Pipe passes from hand to hand. Once all the families in the villages were in turn circles within a larger circle, part of the larger hoop of the nation. The nation was only part of the universe, in itself circular circles within circles, within circles, with no beginning and no end.

“To us this is beautiful and fitting; symbol and reality at the same time, expressing the harmony of nature and life. Our circle is timeless, flowing; it is new life emerging from death – life winning out over death.”

“Our circle is timeless, flowing it is a new life emerging from death-life winning out over death. When we look at the world in the manner which the Great Spirit designed it, we can see why it makes sense to live in harmony with Great Nature: the trees grow and bear fruit, the fruit has seeds, the seeds fall to the ground, the ground grows new trees, old trees die to make way for the young. Any time we think we can interrupt this cycle or change it we will experience turmoil and confusion. The Human Cycle exists as the baby becomes the youth, the youth becomes the adult, the adult has children, the adult becomes the Elder, and the Elder teaches the youth. Elders go on to the Spirit World. Spirit comes into babies to produce new life.

-Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fukushima USA Sandcastle San Clemente Ocean Festival

Citizen Power

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Everybody needs some power I'm told
To shield them from the darkness and the cold
Some may see a way to take control when it's bought and sold.

I know that lives are at stake
Yours and mine and our descendants in time.
There's so much to gain, so much to lose
Everyone of us has to choose.

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Won't you do this for me?
Take all of your atomic poison power
Take all of your atomic poison power
Take all of your atomic poison power
San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating Station
Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Visit San Clemente Fukushima USA

From #DecomSONGS

Click on Gary Headrick to learn more about the San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating Station.

Come visit us any Sunday here on Del Mar for the San Clemente farmers market, fill up on organic produce, and feed your mind with real info about the beast 4 miles south of Beautiful San Clemente California, Fukushima USA.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

"In the end," Jaczko said, "this challenge is yours."

"What's keeping me up at night is making sure that we're going to have electricity for everybody," says Gates. "Electricity is so important to... the mitigation efforts of our whole community. Fort Calhoun's safe. It'll continue to be safe."

Gates and his colleagues say the water has not breached the buildings housing the reactor core and the spent fuel rods, and they're confident it won't. Those buildings and the barriers protecting them are designed to withstand flooding extending 1,014 feet above sea level. The water is now at about 1,006 feet, and they say they do not expect it to exceed 1,008 feet.

Officials did not allow journalists directly into the rooms housing the reactor core and the spent fuel rods, but did allow them to view those rooms via closed-circuit cameras. The rooms did not appear to be damaged by floodwater.

Gates says the Nuclear Regulatory Commission cited the Fort Calhoun plant in 2009 for not being adequately prepared for a flooding event. Since that time, he says, they've taken steps to upgrade safeguards for the facility, and he says NRC officials were satisfied with the handling of the current flooding. Still, NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko had solemn words for the staff of Fort Calhoun after touring the plant on Monday.

"In the end," Jaczko said, "this challenge is yours."

Fort Calhoun Nuke Plant SNAFU: Borated Water in Reactor, Spent Fuel Pool, Normal Procedure, Says Plant CEO & now a 10 Mile evacuation zone. Shades of Fukushima

Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?