Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2013


To the people of Japan,
We, the anti-nuclear activists and environmentalists around the world, are very sorry this catastrophic nuclear accident has happened to the people in the land of Japan. We will continue to support and pray for you all.
Take heart and be strong and do not lose faith because in the aftermath of this tragic accident, there have been many thousands of people in the streets protesting one of the worst environmental disasters in the world. You now have a chance to lead the world and show us how to break the corrupt connection between the nuclear industry and governments.  You also have the opportunity to lead us in finding the solution of what to do with nuclear waste.  This, the whole world desperately needs.  I am speaking of the many millions of pounds of nuclear waste that are now present in our one world. It is not too late.  We still have time to prevent the looming disasters that the nuclear power industry and corrupt governments are perpetrating on the people of the world.
Take heart and lead the people as the strong and powerful intellectual force that you are.  Lead us in the right actions to save the world from any future nuclear disasters. We are counting on you and stand with you.
Gene Stone

Saturday, March 2, 2013

San Diego screening of MOVIE: "311: Surviving Japan"

WE HAVE THIS weekend to pre-sell just 6 seats to make this screening happen in San Diego! No excuses on the weekend, just DO it: You will NOT be charged until the event is confirmed. ($12 per ticket)
Please join us for the 2nd Anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaaster!

San Diego screening of "311: Surviving Japan" on Monday, March 11, 2013, the 2nd Anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster (7:30p). PLEASE RESERVE YOUR TICKET(S) ONLINE ASAP TO ENSURE THE FILM IS SCREENED HERE: You will NOT be charged until the event is confirmed. ($12 per ticket).  We must sell 50 tickets in advance ASAP for this film to be a go at the theater!

7037 Friars Rd, San Diego, California 92108

YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR SEAT ONLINE NOW!  There will be no "walk up" tickets sold.

We will do a "Light Brigade" action along the busy Friars Road entrance to the Fashion Valley Mall from 6-7p, holding lighted letter signs spelling out "No More Fukushimas". Please to volunteer as a "Holder of the Light."

We will also do Flyering inside the Mall during the same period before the screening: 6-7p, with a special guest for the occasion. Please email to volunteer for the Info Crew.

Here is a brief description of the film: "Inside story of 2011 Japanese Tsunami relief & Fukushima nuclear disaster. A critical look at how the authorities handled the nuclear crisis and Tsunami relief by an American who volunteered in the clean-up. It is in short, a documentary of the devastating events in Japan and 6 months of the after-math that followed. It features true stories from those affected by the disaster, the government and even TEPCO. It highlights the struggle in dealing with: The Tsunami clean-up, Government response to the disaster, radiation plus the future of nuclear power after the accident." (90 minutes long, plus speaker.)