Showing posts with label Miki Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miki Day. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just Say No Fukushima USA

Miki Day, concerned Japanese mother living in California, tells of the contaminated food in Japan and the sad situation for children in Fukushima. She speaks out against the dangerous plan to restart California's San Onofre nuclear reactor without fixing it and is working to prevent a Fukushima from happening here.

Pay attention at 5 min 21 sec of the above video. Would you feed a Fukushima Peach to your child?
Would you want to vacation in Fukushima with your family?

If the answer to either of those questions was no, Decommission San Onofre.

Just Say No Fukushima USA
Just Say No Fukushima USA