Showing posts with label CA Action Plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CA Action Plan. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Action Letter to Gov Brown

Governor Jerry Brown
C/O State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Governor Brown,
We are looking for your support to keep California’s two nuclear power plants SHUTDOWN FOR GOOD.  Here are just a few reasons why:
2.      The problem with the steam generators at San Onofre were caused by Southern California Edison’s upgrades (NOT LIKE FOR LIKE) with the increase of 400 tubes to increase profits, which in turn has put over 8.4 million people at a much greater risk of a NUCLEAR DISASTER in the 50 mile radius.  This will severely damage the world’s eighth largest economy, California.
3.      These two plants could not be built under today’s rules and guidelines for earthquakes and tsunamis, and the NRC will not force the power companies to meet the standards of today; yet they will overlook and easily relicense them.
4.      Evacuation plans are totally ineffective if a nuclear disaster occurs in conjunction with a severe earthquake.
5.      This week California's people and the state's vibrant economy were fortunate enough to live in a state with not one operating nuclear reactor. Both San Onofre and Diablo Canyon were shut down. The lights stayed on. Together with energy efficiency and an almost unlimited renewable energy potential in California, the State can become a world leader in energy for the 21st century; while at the same time achieving the essential reduction in carbon emissions. California will fail to meet this truly sustainable future while it continues to operate nuclear power. This week because of the nuclear crisis at San Onofre and the intervention of jellyfish at Diablo Canyon, California saw the future; and it is a future we demand. KEEP CALIFORNIA’S NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS CLOSED.

Your name_____________________________________________________________________________________
In support of this action are: Peace Resource Center of San Diego, , Citizens Oversight Committee, San Clemente Green, San Onofre Safety, Women's Energy Matters, Stop Fukushima Coalition,  SF-Bay Area Chapter, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles,  The Ecological Options Network (EON), Friends of the Earth, (ROSE) Residents Organized for a Safe Environment contact at:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

NRC it is time for States to Question your Authority

If you have not read the ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1954
 (, I would not only encourage you to do so I would ask you and your colleagues to reconsider the whole concept of giving the federal government all control and say so as to the use of nuclear energy as relates to the safety and power needs of California.

In the 1950s, nuclear was very new and not even understood correctly or completely by the experts. This is why the federal government took complete control of the entire industry. To control & produce materials needed to make weapons, to that end they sold the American public on nuclear energy as a future source of power. “Too cheap to meter “was the slogan. This has proven to be totally untrue. Now over 60 years later after much has been learned not only by the federal government but by the states who had to endure the constant radiation problems that persists at nuclear power plants that endanger the public welfare, producing on average 250 pounds per day per reactor. In America we have 5,000,000 pounds of highly toxic nuclear waste setting at our power plants. Which are licensed as “Power Plants not highly Toxic Nuclear Waste Dumps”.  more

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Action plan with #NukeFreeCal a new phone campaign to Governor Brown no relicensing of Ca nuclear power plant's 916- 445-2841 stand for and with the people's for safety governor. California does not need to be the next Fukushima! Call today and often. One of the reasons to encourage them not to relicense is that neither of these two plants could be built under today's rules and guidelines for earthquakes and tsunamis, and the NRC will not force them to meet the standards of today but yet they will overlook and easily relicense them. Please share this with your friends and call 3 times a week or more.