Showing posts with label barbaraboxer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barbaraboxer. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sen. Boxer Reads SCE's Request for EXEMPTION from ALL Off Site Evacuation Plans at SONGS!

Senator Boxer reads SCE's Request to be EXEMPT from ALL Offsite Evacuation Plans at San Onofre to NRC Chairman McFarlane! The NRC received the request March 30, 2014 but has yet to review it. The exemption includes: NO Alarms, No Warning Sirens, NO Evacuation Plans, NO Relocation Centers, No Liability FOR CHAOS, Radiation Exposure or DEATH! Senator Boxer grills Chairman McFarlane to TURN DOWN the request. Sadly the NRC HAS NEVER turned down this type of request!!!!

Does this sound like a Commission whose very job is to protect the American Public from a Radiological Event? Does this sound like a Commission whose job it is to protect the Nuclear Industry from being exposed for Hiding Truth about Dangers of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear mishaps and events?

Contact Senator Barbra Boxer and thank her for sticking up for your safety. 

Sen. Boxer Reads SCE's Request for EXEMPTION from ALL Offsite Evacuation Plans at SONGS!
The Power Is Long Gone
The Danger Lives On