Showing posts with label Larry Agran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Larry Agran. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2012

Keep San Onofre Closed FOREVER!

Rally to Shut San Onofre / A short film by @AceHoffman

Guest speakers:
Daniel Hirsch -- Committee to Bridge the Gap 
Larry Agran - Irvine City Council 
Cathy Iwane - American who lived for 25 years in Japan

Other Speakers Included: Gene Stone -- MC, Ray Lutz, Libbe Halevy -- Speaker & co-MC, Mel Vernon, Tribal chair, San Luis Rey Band of Luiseno Indians -- Blessing 
Ace Hoffman, Cori Schumacher, Chrystal Coleman, Shaun Burine, Gary Headrick 

Music graciously provided by Charlie Imes and Reverend Stickman, The Occupellas

Sponsors/endorsers of the rally included:
Congressman Bob Filner, CA-51 
Citizens Oversight Projects (COPS) 
Peace Resource Center of San Diego 
Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE) 
San Onofre Safety (SOS) 
San Clemente Green 
San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice (SDCPJ) 
Occupy Encinitas 
Occupy Escondido 
Talk Nukes 
Mimi Kennedy, National Chair, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and Actress 
Bryan Pease, Esq., San Diego City Council District 1 Candidate 
Kevin Keenan, Esq.