Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's At Risk from San Onofre - Torgen Johnson

Urban Planner and father of three talks about the devastating effect a nuclear accident at the leaky San Onofre nukes would have on the 'built environment,' the real estate, industry, agriculture and infrastructure of Southern California.

Do you live in the zone? 

San Onofre Evacuation Zone
San Onofre Evacuation Zone 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fighting to Shut down San Onofre Gary & Lauri Headrick

Gary & Lauri Headrick, founders of tell why they are devoting their lives to seeing that the crippled San Onofre nuclear power plant is shutdown for good.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Serious Risks of San Onofre - Harvey Wasserman

Investigative Journalist Harvey Wasserman, long-time anti-nuclear activist, editor of lays out the risks of a San Onofre restart. Read his report on recent developments in San Onofre to the Public: DROP DEAD! 

Decommission San Onofre 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What Mass Evacuation Plan for San Onofre?

Emergency response professional Deanna Polk talks about the many holes in radiological emergency preparedness in the region surrounding the leaky San Onofre nuke, including lack of training and resources for first responders and the absence of a realistic mass evacuation plan.

Jen Tucker are you listening?

No Escape From San Onofre Meltdown.
No Escape From San Onofre Meltdown.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Donna Gilmore Shutdown San Onofre

San Clemente resident Donna Gilmore, the founder of talks about her own process of awakening to the risks posed by the nearby San Onofre nuclear reactors, and her discovery, confirmed by the Governor's Office that Gov. Brown has the authority to shut down California's San Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuclear reactors because they violate the 'once-through-cooling' prohibition under the State's Water Resources Control Board's rules.

San Clemente California ~ Fukushima USA
San Clemente California ~ Fukushima USA 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Kill San Onofre Before It Kills Us

S. David Freeman, legendary former Tennessee Valley Authority and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District administrator, who has shutdown many a nuke in his career - and is now working in his 85th year to help local residents and Friends of the Earth decommission San Onofre - explains why we have to 'kill nuclear power before it kills us.'

What part of Fukushima do you not understand?
What part of Fukushima do you not understand?

Corporate Terrorism

It is now clear that the NUCLEAR MAFIA and their cronies at the NRC, U.S. Gov’t and CA State Gov’t plan to perpetrate another act of nuclear terrorism upon the people of Southern California and the world. By allowing Southern California Edison to restart the damaged and defective reactor number two that has not even been repaired, to experimentally restart at 70% power sometime in June or July 2013.

I say terrorism because many people in California are afraid for the health of their children, their property values, and what would happen if a major nuclear accident happened at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station? By definition terrorism is an act that its purpose is to create fear. Just thinking about the evacuation plan that every Californian knows would not work, and having to shelter in place during a nuclear meltdown at SONGS.  Then after the radiation damage to people's health has been done just like Chernobyl and Fukushima, the government will announce in a month or two (far too late) that in a 10, 20 or 30 mile radius will be an exclusion zone due to high radiation levels, and everyone has to leave their homes and possessions to go live in a refugee camp somewhere in Riverside County. The loss of billions in property values, infrastructure (schools, roads, beaches, farm land and food crops, local governments) personal disruptions and destruction of several millions lives, all put at risk in the name of profits for SCE. 

What will be the fate of Southern California if this act of Nuclear Terrorism by the NUCLEAR MAFIA is allowed this experimental restart at San Onofre Nuke plant?

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