The Unsatisfactory Status Of The NRC Region IV Augmented Inspection Team
Report Which Contains TEN Unresolved
Items, Requires Additional NRR Investigation
And Resolution.
The DAB Safety Team has transmitted the following to
the Chairman of the NRC, Offices of Nuclear Regulator Regulations (NRR), Atomic
Safety Licensing Board and NRC AIT Chief.
Accession Number ML2012007) identified ten unresolved items in July
2012 that warranted additional follow-up:
- Adequacy of the post trip/transient procedure;
- Evaluation and disposition of the Unit 3 loose parts monitor alarms;
- Design of retainer bar;
- Control of original design dimensions;
- Evaluation of and controls for divider plate repair;
- Atmospheric controls of Unit 3 steam generators during shipment;
- No tube bundle support used during shipping;
- Evaluation and disposition of accelerometer readings during shipping;
- Adequacy of Mitsubishi’s thermal-hydraulic model;
- Change of methodologies associated with 10 CFR 50.59 review.
Comments. re: NRC AIT Report : It has been almost six months since
the issuance of the original report and since that time the NRC AIT Team has
completed several follow-up inspections at SONGS. However, the NRC AIT Team has not publically updated
its report on the results of follow-up inspections to resolve the above items
and determination of violations of regulatory requirements by SCE. These
concerns were expressed to the NRC Region IV Staff and AIT Team at the November
30, 2012 Public Meeting. Several
Environmental, Public and even Pro-Nuclear Groups have repeatedly and publicly
stated to the NRC, Atomic Licensing Board and Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulations (NRR): “When it comes to SCE’s mistakes and public policy, NRC Region IV is
asleep at the wheel.” The NRC Chairman has
stressed the need for “Independent Regulators” during her recent Fukushima trip.
Therefore, these items should be added to the NRR list for resolution. Especially, items (2), (3), (9) and (10)
should be resolved as soon as possible.
In addition, the NRR should made public SCE’s FSAR analysis showing the effect
of a Main Steam Line Break for Unit 2 operation up to Reactor Thermal Power on
Steam Generator Tube Ruptures (for one (1), four (4), eight (8) or an ever increasing
number (a cascade aka Hopenfeld Effect) of tube
rupture/failures) in accordance with President
Barack Obama, Senator Barbara Boxer and the NRC Chairman’s Open Government
Initiative, as these documents directly affect public safety, they must no
longer be considered SCE’s “privileged documents” after their SONGS Replacement
Generators $680 Million Debacle.
Please see the DAB Safety Team’s Press Release + 12-12-28 Thirty Alarms
Demonstrates SONGS Unsafe for details item (2).
This press release will be posted on the web at this link: DAB
Safety Team Documents.
The DAB Safety Team: Don, Ace and a BATTERY of safety-conscious San
Onofre insiders plus industry experts from around the world who wish to remain
anonymous. These volunteers assist the DAB Safety Team by sharing
knowledge, opinions and insight but are not responsible for the contents of the
DAB Safety Team's reports. We continue to work together as a Safety Team
to prepare additional : DAB
Safety Team Documents, which explain in
detail why a SONGS restart is unsafe at any power level without a
Full/Thorough/Transparent NRC 50.90 License Amendment and Evidentiary Public
Hearings. For more information from The DAB Safety Team, please visit the
link above.
Our Mission: To prevent a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster like
Fukushima, from happening in the USA.
Press Release
The DAB Safety Team: January 10, 2013
Media Contact: Don Leichtling (619) 296-9928 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261
Copyright January 2, 2013 by The DAB Safety
Team. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast or
redistributed without crediting the DAB Safety Team. The contents cannot be
altered without the Written Permission of the DAB Safety Team Leader and/or the
DAB Safety Team’s Attorney