Friday, February 10, 2012

Surfing San Onofre For Change @Surfing4Change

Surfing For Change, created and hosted by Kyle Thiermann is a free youtube series and is on a mission is to shatter the myth that activists don't have any fun.

If you want to get in touch with Kyle, Tweet: @Surfing4Change

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fukushima Remembered San Clemente City Council

For all of those within 100 miles of San Clemente, please try to make an appearance at our City Council Meeting tonight!

6:00pm at City Hall 100 Avenida Presidio (Oral Communications Part 1 - not very long)

Please show (friendly, respectful, quiet) support for our requests of City Council regarding SAN ONOFRE
*Ask City to team up with us for our FUKUSHIMA REMEMBERED event on March 10 
*Help us find $8,200 for an EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY to determine cancer trends near plant 
*Insist that solutions for LEAKING GENERATORS be presented to the public BEFORE RESTARTING.

Can't Make it? Call and let them know how you feel (949) 361-8200

San Clemente In Solidarity With Fukushima.


Monday, February 6, 2012


Temperature Soars Inside Fukushima Reactor

TOKYO - The temperature of a reactor at Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has soared and remained mysteriously high Monday, despite more water being pumped through it.
The facility's No.2 reactor had reached 164 degrees Fahrenheit (73.3 degrees Celsius) by Monday morning, after sitting at 113 degrees Fahrenheit (45 degrees Celsius) on Jan. 27, broadcaster NHK reported.

That was despite Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) officials pumping 9.6 tonnes (10.6 tons) of water through the reactor each hour -- about 10 percent more than before.
Two other thermometers in the reactor are giving readings of 111 degrees Fahrenheit (44 degrees Celsius), suggesting recent plumbing work might be affecting the water's cooling of the reactor.
TEPCO said in December that all three Fukushima reactors were in cold shutdown mode, as their temperatures had fallen below 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius).
The reactors were the scene of a disaster, overheating and giving off radiation, after being wrecked in a massive earthquake and ensuing tsunami on March 11, 2011.
Read more:

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San Clemente Fukushima USA 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

San Onofre It's Just That Broken

Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear on the radiation leaks at San Onofre.

Did you know that 75% of Nuke plants leak radiation into the surrounding environment? Google it!

San Onofre: "It's Just That Broken"

San Onofre Radiation Fallout Map

The center of this Toxic Plume is located approximately 5 miles southeast of San Clemente, California. This plume is produced by 2 reactors located at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant site. The reactors that produce this plume have 2,150 Mega Watts of radiation generating power. There is a total of 1,241 tons of Highly Toxic Radioactive spent fuel stored at this Nuclear Power Plant. The heavy vibrations caused by the enormous Radiation Producing Machines known as Nuclear Power Plants cracks in holding tanks and pools and breaks in welds on pipes carrying Radioactive Materials. The communities around the San Onofre Radiation Producing Machine found this out the hard way. When the Radioactive Debris from the demolition of Unit 1 was cleared away it revealed Radioactive Tritium contaminated soil under that unit. The level of contamination was up to 16.5 times the allowable levels. This unit probably leaked Radioactive Tritium into the local groundwater for most of its 25 plus years of troubled life.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

What does a Banana have in common with a Nuke plant?

What does a Banana have in common with a Nuke plant?


Ones waste will need to be cooled, guarded & bureaucrated for 500,000 years.

The other you feed to your children.

Questions? Watch this video below.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Many problems at SONGS and in our community

There is a very serious problem going on at San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating Station but all we hear from SCE & NRC is the same old story they always say "everything is safe, very little if any radioactivity was released,"you will be fine continue to shop". But the fact is the only people monarchy the release of radioactivity is SCE and they will not release the information to the public. So we the citizens of San Clemente have no idea how much was released & for how long. All of these things affect the quality of life for those of us in our beautiful seaside community-health and property values.

What we the citizens of San Clemente want to know is, where is the monitoring system in real time so we know what was released and for how long. SCE knows but will not release the information, at Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE) & San Onofre Safety (SOS) & Nuclear Free California (NFC) where is the monitoring system that the citizens deserve after living next to SONGS periodically releasing highly radioactive materials on an ongoing basis all of these years? Why hasn't the city of San Clemente, Orange County government and the state of California seen fit to monitor the ongoing release of radioactivity from this plant? Why isn't there an epidemiology study to find out what the effect of these many releases over the years done to our community? Are the city officials & county government officials an the state of California and the NRC not aware of the recent study around France's nuclear power plants found a alarmingly high rate of childhood leukemia within a 25 mile radius?

Finally it is time for a change, it is time for the STATES to QUESTION the AUTHORITY of the NRC and its supremacy of all things nuclear. It is not 1950 any longer the states and the citizens themselves are now much better informed about the effects of living with radiation, asked the people of Chernobyl and Fukushima Japan.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

NRC it is time for States to Question your Authority

If you have not read the ATOMIC ENERGY ACT OF 1954
 (, I would not only encourage you to do so I would ask you and your colleagues to reconsider the whole concept of giving the federal government all control and say so as to the use of nuclear energy as relates to the safety and power needs of California.

In the 1950s, nuclear was very new and not even understood correctly or completely by the experts. This is why the federal government took complete control of the entire industry. To control & produce materials needed to make weapons, to that end they sold the American public on nuclear energy as a future source of power. “Too cheap to meter “was the slogan. This has proven to be totally untrue. Now over 60 years later after much has been learned not only by the federal government but by the states who had to endure the constant radiation problems that persists at nuclear power plants that endanger the public welfare, producing on average 250 pounds per day per reactor. In America we have 5,000,000 pounds of highly toxic nuclear waste setting at our power plants. Which are licensed as “Power Plants not highly Toxic Nuclear Waste Dumps”.  more