Wednesday, July 4, 2012

San Onofre Steam Generators Doomed to Fail

San Onofre is located in an urban area on the coast south of San Clemente with millions of people, in a tsunami hazard zone, above intersecting active earthquake faults and has the worst safety record of all 104 reactors in the U.S. .

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Meet with Japanese Anti-Nuke Activist Ms. Shiina

Come meet a Japanese Anti-Nuke Activist Ms. Chieko Shiina
Date; Sunday July 8th
From 1 PM to 5 PM
At: Aoi college of language at Irvine
Tel: (949)856-1700xx Fax: (949)856-1701
4255 Campus Dr. University Center #A-200
Irvine, CA 92612

Ask your Congressperson to attend San Onofre hearing

Here is a sample letter for people to send their congresspeople for our September Congressional Hearing. It is very important that your congressperson hear from you and others early and often to feel implored to attend!

Dear Congressman/woman,
I am writing to request you to attend a congressional briefing on nuclear power issues that will be taking place this upcoming September 20th on Capitol Hill. This briefing will be held from 2 – 4 pm in the Cannon Building — Room number 121. An excellent group of experts and citizens has been assembled to present compelling, factual information on the ongoing dangers posed at Fukushima in Japan and many safety concerns with our domestic nuclear energy industry.
After the worst nuclear disaster in human history that continues in Fukushima, Japan, a growing movement of grassroots citizens has come together to address the myriad concerns revolving our own aging and decrepit Nuclear fleet of 104 reactors in America. As your constituent I feel that it is your duty to make yourself aware of these issues and to attend and listen to the expert testimony that will be given on September 20th.
As the National Academy of Sciences has concluded. “There is no safe dose of radiation exposure.” A grassroots network of citizen activists has worked diligently to bring together experts from Physicians for Social Responsibility, Beyond Nuclear, the Nuclear Information Resource Services, and more to provide you with the most up to date knowledge on issues from Nuclear Waste to Nuclear Safety.
As your constituent I feel that these issues are of utmost importance and relevance to the future of this country and again request your personal attendance at this briefing.
Sincerely yours

Sunday, June 24, 2012

San Onofre Design Flaws & Miscalculations Doom Plant

Design flaws & Miscalculations at San Onofre?  

Removing the "stay cylinder" a "safety device" to pack more tubes in these steam generators & then calling that a design flaw or miscalculation, is like removing the seat belt from your car and wondering why you went thru the window when you hit a tree...

And blaming the tree! 

5 Fundamental, Unrepairable, Fatal flaws at San Onofre

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

San Onofre Request For Assistance

1. Does Southern California Edison (SCE) have the management integrity to be entrusted with the management of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant? 

2. Has the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) been compromised by SCE such that the NRC is no longer the appropriate government decision maker for determining whether the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant should be allowed to go back into service?

3. Does the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) under Michael R. Peevy have an irreconcilable conflict of intrest given the financial and historical relationship between Peevey and SCE?

4. Should the San Onofre Power Plant be decommissioned?

We are asking any person with information relevant to these four questions to contact our office at (619) 876-5364

Aguirre, Morris & Severson LLP
Attorneys At Law
444 West C Street, Suite 210
San Diego CA 92101

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I do thank you for the time you took to reply. First I am very happy that for the most part I feel people working in the nuke field are good people and try to be as safe as possible, and that is good. But you are operating under a false premise. Read Dr. John Gofman.
The list of problems with nuclear are as long as my arm. I don’t have time to waste any longer with people who will not look at the facts. I will just say; ask my fellow native brothers of the Dine tribe of Az what the effects of uranium mining was on their people? Ask the people who build houses in Simi Valley CA after the nuclear disaster there and covered up for 20yrs, ask the people of 3 Mile Island and Chernobyl & Fukuashima Japan. Look at how many areas of the world where nuclear testing has been done and are off limits to humans.
My God man look at history, nature can and has undone anything man as been able to do. When one of those rockets going into space has an accident, humans will see the real problems with this technology.
It is very simple we should be making the world a better and safer place for our children and grandchildren to come, not making and storing dangerous and highly radioactive waste for 300,000 yrs for them to deal with, thinking that at some point we will find a way to deal with it and clean it up, just for our convenience at this point in time.
While it is clear that you have the nuclear blinders on and you want to think of yourself as right and that you have done the right thing for 33 yrs. People who think like this are the problem. History will judge us all for our actions.