Friday, August 10, 2018

San Onofre Nuke Can Almost Dropped 18 Feet!

A last nights Community Engagement Panel on the decommissioning of the San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating station a whistleblower named David Fitch stepped forward and said "I probably won't have a job tomorrow, but I am doing this for my daughter."

He reported that a Thin Holtec can slipped an almost fell 18 feet into its silo.

Gene Stone stepped up, silenced a freaked out David Victor with a Jedi Mind Trick, and made Tom Palmisano promise that they would not fire the guy!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

ACTION ALERT! Support Real Time Public Radiation Monitoring

Gene Stone & Darin R. McClure on the top of the Nuke Dump with Our bGeigies 

Dear Readers, here is our updated text for this extremely urgent Residents Organized for a Safe Environment action alert. Hope you have time to let the CEP here from you today. Please share with your friends. If we want to make this work every email counts. Thank you in advance.

CLICK HERE FOR >> Independent Real Time Radiation Monitoring at San Onofre

Below is an action alert that ROSE is sending to some members of the CEP. I hope you may want to join us in this action for our community. We need 1000 people to send an email to the CEP ASAP!  If you are willing please send them a note, copy and paste or write your own text.

Then send it to these email addresses:,,,,,,,

The subject line should read "Independent Rad Monitoring/Symposium on Radiation"

Community Engagement Panel members,

I am asking each of you as CEP members to support and to take action ASAP along with SCE for a public CEP meeting on "Independent Public Real-time Radiation Monitoring" for  San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump, and a second CEP meeting for an "Educational Symposium on Radiation" with "independent" radiation experts along with experts from SCE and the NRC. This a necessary step for all the stakeholders to understand what is in and what could come out of these cans now or in the future. Thank you for your consideration of these two programs for the safety of our community.


Sincerely, Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)
On twitter @gene_stone

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Socrates

Friday, June 29, 2018

Kevin Blanch: The History Of The San Onofre Nuke Shutdown

Acjachemen Wisdom Day: June 9th 2018 Honoring Our Ancestors

They'll Be Calling You A Radical!

Kevin drops some heavy history / backstory that you just wont get from the locally captured news media, this is not a left or a right thing, this is a right or a wrong thing. #NoPlanB@Sano You should watch this video . STAY UN-TUNA'd

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sounding The Alarm: San Onofre Nuclear Waste Storage


  • Who: Citizens concerned about nuclear waste safety at San Onofre
  • What: Edison’s quarterly Community Engagement Panel (CEP) Meeting - San Onofre
  • When: Wed, June 27, 2018 4:30pm - Meeting starts at 5:30pm
  • Where: Casino San Clemente, 140 West Avenida Pico, San Clemente, CA 92672
  • Why: Shocking revelations - Edison has no method in place to repair or replace defective canisters of nuclear waste. (they think it will take a few years to figure that out...) 
Background on Nuclear Waste issues at San Onofre, just south of the world famous Trestles spot in San Clemente California AKA SURFING USA!
In Feb 2018, Edison began the year and a half long process of loading 73 more canisters of nuclear waste into the beachside concrete storage silo at San Onofre, adding to the 51 loaded canisters that have been on-site starting in 2003.

Public criticism ranges from outrage to disbelief as people realize the location of the nuclear waste storage is 100’ from the ocean, inches above the water-table, in an earthquake-tsunami zone, a few hundred yards from the I-5 freeway and Railroad, and…. on one of southern California’s most iconic beaches.

Details about the thin-walled canisters being used to contain the deadly radioactive waste cause even more alarm.  Ongoing Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) studies show that these canisters are susceptible to corrosion which can lead to cracking.  Loaded canisters cannot be inspected for cracks.  And, as the President of Holtec, the manufacturer of the canisters, stated at a previous CEP meeting, even a microscopic through-wall crack will release millions of curies of radionuclides into the environment. 

With each welded-shut 5/8” thick (thin) stainless steel canister containing roughly the radioactive equivalent of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, critics aptly refer to the loaded canisters as Chernobyl Cans.

Recent Shocking Revelations:
At the March 2018 CEP meeting, in his update on the nuclear waste loading process, Tom Palmisano, Edison’s Chief Nuclear Officer, stated that a defective canister was discovered.  Workers found loose bolts in the bottom of an empty canister. The bolts hold the internal fuel basket structure in place, and allow passive helium flow inside the canister.  This air flow is critical for cooling the thermally hot and highly radioactive waste.  According to Palmisano, Holtec changed the interior design without notifying Edison or the NRC.  Palmisano stated that all remaining canisters with the defective design were returned to Holtec, and loading resumed using canisters with the original ‘bolt-less’ design.

But what about the four - already loaded - defective canisters?
When asked if the four defective canisters will be unloaded, and reloaded into canisters with the original ‘bolt-less’ design, Palmisano explained that the technology does not currently exist to unload the waste from the canisters back into the spent fuel pools.  He also mentioned this has been a known problem for years.   see video of entire March 2018 CEP meeting -

AS YOU READ THIS LINE TODAY Edison has no method to repair or replace the defective canisters.  LET THAT SINK IN FOR A MOMENT!!! NO PLAN B IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG!

At this next CEP meeting, in response to Edison’s inability to unload / reload canisters, Palmisano will presumably repeat what he has already stated at a number of CEP meetings, that defective or leaking canisters will be stored inside transport casks (like Russian dolls).  But transport casks have not been approved by the NRC for storage of defective or leaking canisters. Transport casks were not designed for storing these extremely hot canisters.

Public awareness of Edison’s poor choice of both the storage canisters and the beach-side storage site is growing.   At this point, people are particularly concerned about the 51 canisters (Chernobyl Cans) that could already have significant corrosion and cracking.

We are calling for Edison to build a Hot Cell, and reload the fuel waste into proven Thick-wall Casks (10" to 19.75" thick).  A Hot Cell is a helium-filled, robotically-operated facility, and it is the only other NRC approved method to unload canisters.

Thick-wall Casks, unlike the Thin-wall Cans, can be inspected, maintained and monitored to PREVENT major radioactive releases into the environment.  Thick-wall Casks withstood the Fukushima disaster.

Further implications of recent revelations:its not just our backyard.

These problems with the canisters at San Onofre apply to numerous sites across the country where over 2400 loaded thin-walled canisters are currently stored.

The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board December 2017 report to Congress states
spent nuclear fuel and its containment must be retrievable, maintained and monitored to prevent hydrogen gas explosions in both short and long term storage and transport. Edison has clearly indicated this cannot be done with the on-site spent fuel pools.
NWTRB DOE Management and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel December 2017

Edison's NRC license requires the ability to unload canisters back into the pool.  It appears Edison is out of compliance with their NRC San Onofre dry storage licenses.  RESCIND THOSE LICENSES!

Edison needs to build a Hot Cell (asap) to address the
Chernobyl Can - Ticking Time Bombs - at San Onofre.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

San Onofre Hot Cell Demolition Video 2007

San Onofre Hot Cell Demolition Video 2007
Plan B RIP OCT 2007

The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Test Area North (TAN) hot shop (hot cell) was destroyed in 2007. It was the only hot cell identified large enough for unloading San Onofre's thin cans. The MPR Associates white paper “SONGS Used Fuel Management – Defense in Depth” (September 2017), page 20, incredulously states it is feasible to use this TAN hot shop (hot cell) for San Onofre's thin cans. Their reference for this claim (Reference #21) actually states the opposite — it states the TAN facility was demolished in 2007. Viability of Existing INL Facilities for Dry Storage Cask Handling, USDOE Report, INL/EXT-13-29035, April 2013, Page v, Executive Summary. This appears to be a significant criminal comprehension error with the MPR authors.

Edison knew the TAN Hot Cell facility was demolished, yet did not catch this major error in the MPR San Onofre report. Closure of the TAN facility was discussed at the California Public Utilities Commission San Onofre decommissioning proceeding during August 2015 evidentiary hearings.

Every permit since 2007 needs to be rescinded, 

for the criminal lie that anyone ever had a "Plan B"

Let's Start With A NEW Plan B. 

On Site Hot Cell 
Thick Casks
Real Time Radiation Monitoring 

Click Here To Become A Stakeholder 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Acjachemen Wisdom Day: Honoring Our Ancestors June 9 2018 RSVP

One Vision. One People. One World
Join us. June 9th, as we join together and send a message to the world.


Remember, We belong to Mother Earth.

Date: Saturday | June 9
Time: 10:30am - 2pm*

*Allow ample time to park and walk to site (30-40 minutes).

Location: Trail 6, San Onofre State Park
Parking: $15 in lot (limited parking; ridesharing encouraged!)
Bring: Rattles, 2 wood sticks or clappersticks, water container & sunscreen

* Please no signs or drums

The Acjachemen Nation is a native California tribe who has stewarded, revered and inhabited territory in what is now known as Orange County for more than 12,000 years.

For more information, contact:

Adelia Sandoval, Acjachemen Nation
Info at

For disability accommodation requests, contact:
Carry Kim

tsomoyog at