Sunday, May 5, 2013

Congressman Henry Waxman Shut Down San Onofre

California Congressman Henry Waxman responds to questions from Myla Reson and Roger Johnson about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) handling of Southern California Edison's push to fasttrack the restart of one of San Onofre's faulty reactors without fully assessing the major risks to the region's 8.7 million residents a restart poses.

Produced by EON in cooperation with Womens Energy Matters (WEM). For more information:

Congressman Henry Waxman Shutdown San Onofre
Congressman Henry Waxman Shutdown San Onofre

Saturday, April 27, 2013

San Onofre Fukushima USA Hot

A seaweed clump lying directly in front of San Onofre Nuke has a high reading.

Fukushima ‘Hot’ Levels in California 

The clumps of seaweeds in front of SCE San Onofre registered between 0.18 and 0.38 microsieverts, in the same range as those I measured on the shore of south Fukushima prefecture. The Catalina readngs of 0.12 to 0.18 microsieverts in seaweed and 0.28 in barnacles and 0.20 limpets is higher than my findings at the Abukuma River basin near the border of Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures. (Note: By comparison, readings taken on the Japanese coast just south of the Fukushima No.2 plant were extremely high, often more than 1.2 microsieverts per hour.)
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to
read more of this sobering story. 

San Onofre Fukushima USA Hot
San Onofre Fukushima USA Hot 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

San Onofre insider says NRC should not allow nuke restart

For the first time, a source from inside the San Onofre nuclear power plant has come forward to warn that restarting the power plant is too dangerous. "There is something grossly wrong," said the inside source, a safety engineer who worked at San Onofre and has 25 years in the nuclear field.

  (See the interview with the inside source from today on 10News at 5 p.m.)

 The source, who requested anonymity, is not alone in concerns over the safety San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).

San Onofre Fukushima USA 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Emergency Preparedness in San Clemente Beachside Chat

Join us & the San Clemente Times for Beachside Chat Friday, April 19 at 8 a.m. at Café Calypso, at 114 Avenida Del Mar.

The guests for Beachside Chat Friday will include members of San Clemente’s Community Emergency Response Team, as well as city emergency planning officer Jen Tucker. They will discuss the CERT program and emergency response plans for the city.

Beachside Chat is held the first and third Fridays of each month at Café Calypso.

San Clemente California Fukushima USA
Don't Let San Clemente California Become Fukushima USA 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

San Clemente Ocean Festival July 20 - 21 2013

Citizen Power

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Everybody needs some power I'm told
To shield them from the darkness and the cold
Some may see a way to take control when it's bought and sold.

I know that lives are at stake
Yours and mine and our descendants in time.
There's so much to gain, so much to lose
Everyone of us has to choose.

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Won't you do this for me?
Take all of your atomic poison power
Take all of your atomic poison power
Take all of your atomic poison power

San Clemente Ocean Festival
San Clemente Ocean Festival 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just Say No Fukushima USA

Miki Day, concerned Japanese mother living in California, tells of the contaminated food in Japan and the sad situation for children in Fukushima. She speaks out against the dangerous plan to restart California's San Onofre nuclear reactor without fixing it and is working to prevent a Fukushima from happening here.

Pay attention at 5 min 21 sec of the above video. Would you feed a Fukushima Peach to your child?
Would you want to vacation in Fukushima with your family?

If the answer to either of those questions was no, Decommission San Onofre.

Just Say No Fukushima USA
Just Say No Fukushima USA