Wednesday, December 26, 2012

NRC Ignores Regulations At San Onofre

In this week's Fairewinds podcast Arnie Gundersen discusses recent problems at two nuclear reactors and how the NRC is failing to enforce its own laws governing those reactors. Gundersen discusses nuclear containment problems at the Ft. Calhoun reactor near Omaha and accident release rates at the San Onofre nuclear plant south of Los Angeles. In both cases, the NRC seems willing to ignore its own regulations and allow these two damaged reactors to restart.

download link

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Kendra Kicks NukeBooster Butt

December 18, 2012 Nuclear Regulatory Commission remote "public" meeting convened 2700 miles from the communities in the most immediate danger should something go terribly wrong at Southern California Edison's damaged, defective nuclear reactors. Friends of the Earth's Kendra Ulrich pries information from the NRC about their assessment of Edison's plan to restart one it's crippled San Onofre it at 70% power...and see what happens.

To circumvent public scrutiny and prior approval from the NRC the FAILED San Onofre steam generator replacement project was implemented under the IOCFR 50.59 Rule.

Monday, December 17, 2012

14 Reactor Safety Questions That Edison Needs To Answer Regarding San Onofre

The 14 most important questions that the DAB Safety Team feels must be answered before the NRC, Atomic Safety Licensing Board, NRC Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulations and Nuclear Regulatory Research can complete their investigation regarding the reasonableness of the actions of SCE with respect to San Onofre steam generator replacements and their subsequent safe operation:

1 - According to some Newspaper Comments and Industry Reports in 2004, the going price for each of the four 620 Ton CE Replacement Steam Generator was estimated to be between 175-200 Million Dollars (Per Piece). How did SCE CNO/President in 2004 convince MHI to build such large, complicated, innovative and complex steam generators for 569 million dollars, which is almost 130 million dollars short of the market price and funds approved by CPCU? 
Note: The steam generator project execution began in 2004 after a SCE cost-benefit analysis, which revealed that replacement of major parts and components would save $1bn for Southern California Edison customers during the plant's license period. Instead, the ratepayers have lost $1bn in less than 2 years due to SCE’s in-house design teams mistakes.
2 - Since MHI only had experience building Fort Calhoun’s Generator of less than 320 tons, how did the SCE Engineers Technically Qualify MHI?
3 - Which other utilities’ QA Programs, did SCE take the credit for, to approve Mitsubishi’s quality assurance program. Fort Calhoun? French? Belgium? Japan?
4 – Why did SCE did not apply to NRC for increasing the plugging limit for the Old CE Generators, so they would have had more time to think, research and not rush according to Michael Peevey?
5 - Which CE Replacement Generator US Utilities did SCE benchmark to develop such detailed design and performance specifications or did they just modify the CE Old Generator Specifications with New Industry Information?  Were the SCE engineers, who wrote, checked and approved the specifications steam generator experts or was another steam generator expert in the background, who directed all the SCE work?
6 - Where did all the claims of challenges, reward, innovations and teamwork between SCE and MHI go wrong?
7 - Were the SCE Engineers sent to Japan to check MHI work and approve documents /test results qualified in that field, or they were just training/sight-seeing?
8 - Who at SCE made the decision to make all these numerous design changes and determined the changes were "Like for Like" and did not need a Licensing Amendment Process?
9 - Which SCE Engineer provided all these changes, information and documents to which NRC Engineer, who then made the decision that it was OK to proceed without a full Licensing Amendment Process?
10 - Which SCE engineer(s) approved/validated the MHI Thermal-Hydraulic FIT-III FIVATS code Inputs and Calculations?
11 - To get 10% heat transfer equivalent by switching from Alloy 600 To alloy 690, SCE needed to add 935 tubes, but they only added 377 tubes. What happened to the balance of 568 tubes? Did the SCE Engineers tell MHI to increase the length of 9727 tubes and by how much to make up for the 533 tubes?
12 – Why did the SCE Engineers did not question the MHI benchmarking, verification and validation of the FIT-III thermal-hydraulic model?
13 – Why did the SCE engineers did not contact their counter parts at PVNGS for information/advice, since PVNGS has the Largest CE Replacement Generators (800 Tons) in the world, were built in early 2001-2005 time frames and are running successfully?
14 - Were the original CE Steam Generators and new replacement generators exact in Thermal Output (MWe) or were their minor differences?

14 Reactor Safety Questions That Edison Needs To Answer Regarding San Onofre
14 Reactor Safety Questions
That Edison Needs To Answer
Regarding San Onofre 

The DAB Safety Team has transmitted the following report this morning to the Chairman of the NRC, Atomic Safety Licensing Board, NRC Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulations and Nuclear Regulatory Research:
 SCE’s Embarrassing Technical Performance Trying To Justify A Restart
 Of Unit 2, To The NRC, At Their November 30, 2012 Public Meeting.”

The 78 page technical document includes 14 questions that affect US Reactor SAFETY, that the NRC, NRR and RES Regulators need to ask SCE to answer at their Dec 18, 2012 NRR/RES Meeting.

Snip From The Report:

Unit 2 now has hundreds of times more bad tubes and a thousand times more indications of wear on its tubes than the typical reactor in the country with a new steam generator, and nearly five times as many plugged tubes as the rest of the replacement steam generators, over a comparable operating period, in the country combined.  Therefore, the restart of Unit 2 with thousands of degraded tubes present a formidable challenge to the safe restart of Unit 2 plan by making it highly vulnerable to localized steam dry-outs, 100% void fractions, fluid elastic instability, flow-induced random vibrations, cascading tube ruptures during unanticipated operational occurrences and or Main Steam Line Breaks.  In short, SCE is trying to Restart Unit 2’s Degraded RSG’s, which are outside the NORM of the NRC Regulations.
The NRC Chairman has stated that SCE is responsible for the work of its vendors and contractors. Westinghouse states that none of the MHI fabrication issues were extensively analyzed in the SCE root cause evaluation.”  It is the DAB Safety Team’s opinion that SCE claims that insufficient contact forces in Unit 3 Tube-to-AVB Gaps ALONE caused tube "to" tube wear are misleading, erroneous and designed to put the blame on MHI for purposes of making SCE look good in the public’s eyes and for collecting insurance money from MHI’s manufacturing so called defects. 

The full report will also be posted on the web at this link: San Onofre Papers
The DAB Safety Team: Don, Ace and a BATTERY of safety-conscious San Onofre insiders plus industry experts from around the world who wish to remain anonymous.  These volunteers assist the DAB Safety Team by sharing knowledge, opinions and insight but are in no way responsible for the contents of the DAB Safety Team's reports.  We continue to work together as a Safety Team to prepare additional San Onofre Papers, which explain in detail why a SONGS restart is unsafe at any power level.  For more information from The DAB Safety Team, please visit the link above.
Our Mission: To prevent a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster, like Fukushima, from happening in the USA.

Press Release

The DAB Safety Team: December 17, 2012
Media Contact: Don Leichtling (619) 296-9928 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261 
Concerning SCE’s NRC Technical Presentation on 12-11-30
Copyright December 17, 2012 by The DAB Safety Team. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without crediting the DAB Safety Team. The contents cannot be altered without the Written Permission of the DAB Safety Team Leader and/or the DAB Safety Team’s Attorneys.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Edison Pushes Restart, Despite UNSAFE Assessment

NRC No Restart at San Onofre
Steam generator tubes and their support structures need to be extremely carefully designed and manufactured within the allowed design tolerances.  These tubes preform a very important safety function because they are the main barrier that prevents the loss of highly radioactive reactor coolant from venting into the environment during a main steam line break or other abnormal operational conditions. Therefore, the designers and manufacturers have to ensure that these tubes, which are about the diameter of a penny and much thinner than a dime, don’t excessively rattle, vibrate or hit other tubes with violent impacts causing them to fail due to tube-to-tube wear during normal power operation, main steam line breaks or other abnormal operational conditions.

San Onofre Steam Generators History
After two decades of operation of the original San Onofre steam generators (OSGs), it became evident to Edison Engineers that the steam generator tubes, made predominantly of Alloy 600, were susceptible to primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSSC). This corrosion mechanism resulted in tube degradation necessitating plugging large numbers of tubes after each inspection of the tubing.  In addition, the San Onofre OSG design had shown to be susceptible to tube through-wall wear and severe corrosion of the tube supports. It became evident that the OSGs would have to be replaced much sooner than stipulated by their design service life.  Continuing to operate with highly degraded steam generators involved substantial economic losses from forced outages and extended refueling outages, as well as the direct costs of inspections and repairs. 
The financial considerations and mounting losses prompted Edison to make a rash decision (despite objection by San Diego Gas & Electric) to replace the San Onofre OSGs in both Units as soon as possible. The contract for fabrication and delivery of the replacement steam generators (RSGs) was awarded to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI). As designed and specified by Edison, the RSGs were supposed to be a replacement in-kind for the OSGs in terms of form, fit and function. At the same time, however, the RSG specification included many new requirements derived from both industry and San Onofre operating experience, and the requirement to use the best and most suitable materials of construction. These requirements were aimed at improving the RSG longevity, reliability, performance and maintainability. Also, the Edison design specifications called for very tight fabrication tolerances of the components and sub-assemblies, especially the tube-sheet and the tube U-bend support structure.  In addition, San Onofre steam generators are among the largest in the industry, which called for innovative design solutions and improved fabrication processes when working on the RSGs.

Rather than simply rebuild the steam generators to their original design specifications, Edison decided to extensively modify the original San Onofre steam generator design for producing more heat than the “Industry NORM”, thereby, to produce more electricity and make more money for Edison. None of the design modifications, except change of tube alloy material, were necessary for operation of either San Onofre Unit 2 or 3.  These numerous and untested changes were added by Edison without adequate consideration for their impact upon the reliability and safety of the RSGs and the reactors.  San Onofre RSGs tubes were designed by SCE with very close spacing between the tubes and hundreds of additional tubes, to generate more heat compared with the original steam generators in a “hush-hush” manner without formal NRC Approval and Public Hearings as required by Federal laws.  Furthermore the design and manufacturing were done without the use of “critical questioning and investigative attitude”, “solid teamwork & alignment” and “prudent industry and academic research benchmarking.”  The entire process was performed in a rush without proper consideration for adequately protecting the health and safety of the public in case of a potential nuclear accident.

SONGS Steam Generator Problems
Investigations after the leak in Unit 3 on January 31, 2012 revealed that the unprecedented tube-to-tube wear [TTW caused by fluid elastic instability (FEI)] in Unit 3 RSGs was caused by operating the RSGs at higher reactor power and lower steam generator pressure than the OSGs (the more reactor power, the more money for Edison).  Poorly designed steam generators such as San Onofre RSGs without in-plane support protection or proper damping (a thin but crucial water film on the surface of the super hot tubes, which acts as a shock absorber to reduce severe vibrations and tube ruptures) and with narrow tube clearances experience severe vibrations at lower steam generator pressures. High reactor thermal power also causes high steam flows and high fluid velocities. This type of steam generator operation fulfilled Edison’s desire to make more money, but caused the top of the U-tube area to be almost dry (No damping because the crucial water film was missing and could not transfer the heat from the super hot tubes) in some regions of the U-tube bundle. Without liquid in the mixture, there is insufficient damping against excessive tube rattling and/or severe in-plane vibrations (fluid elastic instability). Therefore, due to high steam flows, high fluid velocities and extremely low tube clearances, severe fluid-elastic instability and flow-induced random vibrations developed in Unit 3 RSG’s.  The tubes rattled, vibrated and hit other tubes causing violent impact wear, like a jackhammer.  Unit 2 was operating at higher than normal reactor power and at higher steam pressures. This different steam generator operation in Unit 2 damaged hundreds of tubes (including one that had 90% tube wall wear) due to flow-induced random vibrations but did not cause the U-tube bundle to dry out due to the higher steam pressures and steam saturation temperatures, therefore no fluid elastic instability developed in Unit 2.  This statement is consistent with Westinghouse, the premier nuclear designer in the world.

San Onofre Unit 2 Restart Risks
Now Edison wants to restart Unit 2 with hundreds of damaged tubes at reduced power by claiming that, “Reducing power to 70% eliminates the thermal hydraulic conditions that cause FEI and associated [tube wear].” Then Edison contradicts itself by saying, “Limiting power to 70% significantly reduces fluid velocity. The reduction in fluid velocity significantly reduces the potential for FEI. Decreasing the void fraction in the upper bundle region during power operation increases damping and reduces the potential for FEI.” (Italics added.) MHI in an official notice to NRC on October 5, 2012 stated, “The plugging of the tubes that have the possibility of the fluid elastic instability and thermal power output reductions were identified as potential corrective actions. SCE [Southern California Edison] will run Unit 2 at 70% power for a short duration as a corrective action. In addition, SCE and MHI will continue a detailed analysis and investigation to this problem. Additional corrective actions may be required as the analysis and investigation continue,” which means the problems are not fully understood at this time. Unit 2 inspections reveal that there are numerous U-bends in both RSGs with tube-to-tube clearances as small as 0.05 inches (San Onofre RSGs Design 0.25 inches, Industry NORM 0.35-0.55 inches)”.

If allowed to restart San Onofre Unit 2 by NRC, even at 70% power operations for a trial period of 5 months, a steam line break outside containment in Unit 2 and/or any unanticipated operational transients at any time during the 5-month trial period can result in the following potential scenarios: (1) the depressurization of the steam generators with the failure of a main steam isolation valve to close, and release of steam to the environment, or (2) over-pressurization of the steam generators with the actuation of a main steam safety valve and release of steam to the environment.  Any of these adverse conditions despite power reductions and higher steam pressures at any time during the 5-month trial period would still result in 100% void fractions in the degraded Unit 2 U-Tube bundle due to extremely low tube-to-tube clearances and no in-plane anti-vibration bar protection.  This condition of ZERO Water in the steam generators would cause fluid elastic instability (FEI) and flow-induced random vibrations, which in all likelihood would then result in a massive cascading of RSGs tube failures (tubes would excessively rattle or vibrate, hitting other tubes with violent impacts). This Titanic effect would involve hundreds of degraded but active SG tubes along with all the damaged inactive (all the plugged /stabilized) SG tubes causing an undetermined amount of simultaneous tube leaks/ruptures.  Under one or more of these adverse scenarios, approximately 60 tons of very hot high-pressure radioactive reactor coolant would leak into the secondary system. The release of this amount of radioactive primary coolant, along with an additional approximately 200 tons of steam in the first five minutes from a broken steam line would EXCEED the San Onofre NRC approved safety margins. So, in essence, the RSG’s are loaded guns, or a nuclear accident like Fukushima, waiting to happen. Any failure under these conditions would allow significant amounts of radiation to escape to the atmosphere and a major Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) could easily result causing much wider radiological consequences and even a potential nuclear meltdown of the reactor.  Operator Action as claimed by Edison to re-pressurize the steam generators is not feasible to stop a major nuclear accident in Unit 2 in progress in the first 15 minutes of a MSLB, stuck open SG safety valve, Earthquake, Steam Generator Tube Ruptures and other anticipated operational transients during the 5-month trial period.

NRC’s Duty Is Public Safety
Under no circumstances should the NRC permit SCE to restart San Onofre unit 2 without re-tubing or replacing the defective replacement steam generators & a full NRC 50.90 Licensing Amendment and transparent trial-like public hearings.

Copyright December 13, 2012 by The DAB Safety Team. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without crediting the DAB Safety Team. The contents cannot be altered without the Written Permission of the DAB Safety Team Leader and or the DAB Safety Team’s Attorneys.

Nuclear News – Assessment Of SONGS Replacement Steam Generators

December 13, 2012
Media Contact: Don Leichtling (619) 296-9928 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261