Friday, July 22, 2011

New warning issued from Homeland Security

Gary Headrick doesn't like what he sees on the outside of the nuclear generating station in San Onofre. Last month, the leader of San Clemente Green carted cameras and equipment to measure the height of a seawall next to the plant and says he was never stopped.

"Nobody comes out to even ask me questions. That alone makes me concerned that there's no real security where you'd expect it to be," said Headrick.

The security alert says Al Qaeda followers have been looking for a target to carry out an attack as big as 9/11, and that it could happen around this September's anniversary. Locally, terrorism experts say it's the type of information that is constantly shared among the people who run the utilities and the people who protect them.

Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Free Speech On The Beach

report from Beach'feat 2011 - jc

Specifically, SC's beach, during Beach'fest: where are
1st Amendment rights allowed, and where are they not,
is my question post SC's 2011 Beach'fest extravaganza,
where 66,000 folks flooded SC's Pier Bowl beach, to party
down, tan-up, surf, swim, build sandcastles, to be lobbied
endlessly by retail tents galore, food stands, and a whole
bunch more.

A commercial blitzkrieg in sand - under tents with signs -
Try Me! Try This! Buy This! Free Samples! Save This!
Know This! Know That! Talk, Talk, Talk.

Some things do cost at B'f - but 'speech' is always free.

Until this year.

Free Speech-at-the-beach, wasn't so free this year.
Seems someone or some-Thing, was tightening the
muzzle on SC-citizen's 1st Amendment voice.

99.9% of everyone there, were free to say anything,
non-stop - to sell their product. Push their ideas.
Lobby their points-of-view. Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk.
All free. All the time. But not this year.

This year, if you said something opposing a
Beach-bash sponsor's free speech 2-day dialogue -
something like this might get whispered in you ear,

"Get off the beach, you're littering."

Evacuation Map.jpg 2.29 MB
Tsunami Flier front.jpg 429.68 KB
Tsunami Flier back.jpg 664.88 KB
Tsunami Wall Collage.jpg 240.68 KB

Case in point: SONGS nuke plant:
owned by SoCalEdison, hosted a Tent-full of happy
nukers / all free speech talking nonstoppers.
Selling what they perceive as - the benefits of
electricity created thru nuclear fission.

To a growing number of some in SC, nuke-fission
is a scary, dangerous process re: Fukushima's
ongoing meltdown (ripe to happen here).

This growing number, thinks SONGS' 7.5%
electrical contribution to CA's grid is not worth the
molten hot-cost of meltdown. And they have a
point, because "Meltdown" translates to "all of us"
leaving SC via one big fast mass evacuation.
Most likely permanently.
Much too radioactive.
No more Beach-fest - ever?

Maybe no more anything, within the 50-mile circle
of the eternally melting / com'busting nuke plant
site lyrically known as SONGS.

For sure, the very real probability of SONGS melting -
deserves talking about, especially during Beach-fest 2011.

66,000 OC'ers (all here at B'f) needed to know.
Actually, 7.4 million need to know / the population inside
SONGS' 50-miles in every direction evac-zone-circle
of excessively hot Rads, aka Escape from SONGS.

So - at Beach-fest 2011, two brave SC residents,
who believe SONGS' meltdown-potential is heating up
(according to seismic experts pretty much everywhere),
walked among the happy beach'ers, telling (not selling)
their Free Beach Speech SONGS POV, and handing
out flyers.

Two out of 66,000 - as the busy-bee vendor-Tents
poured a forest of printed material into the beach crowd,
that most likely went directly into a beach trash can,
or next to it / litter / litter'ing the beach.

At some point, the Beach-fest Event Coordinator
(as the story goes) instructed our two anti-SONGS
beach free-speech'ers, to STOP handing out their
heartfelt, truth-filled, anti-SONGS flyers on the beach - or leave.
Suggesting, said flyers were litter, and littering's not allowed
at Beach-fest (paraphrasing here) - something along the lines of,

"stop what you're doing, or we'll all talk to the Sheriff."

One of the accused, asked the obvious,

"But, what about all the Tent-people, handing
out their potential litter (their trash cans overflowing)?"

The Event Coordinator's beach-bluff partially worked.
But the cops were never summoned.
One of the No-SONGS'ers went home.
The other ran out of material.
End of story?
Maybe not (all you free-speech loving SC'ers).
Prompting this free-speech-on-the-beach question:

during Beach-fest, is SC's beach a free-speech zone,
closely monitored by the Beach-fest Coordinator, to
make sure, the only free-allowed-speech on the beach
during Beach-fest, is voiced by event sponsors,
and only them?

In other words: everyone else, keep your traps shut,
until after Beach-bash.

Personally, this writer thinks the city, and the
Beach-fest Coordinator have some explaining
to do. And for sure, two apologies.

Free Speech in SC is forever, or we don't have
a 1st Amendment.

Or, has SONGS melted-down our right to speak
freely on our own beach?
Who does rule our beach speech - SONGS?
Does anyone know?
That is, besides SC's Beach-fest event planner.
She obviously knows.
Party-planners know everything.

2012 - a nuke-free Beach'fest?
What a cool concept.

Late word from Japan (NYTimes): beef sales in
Japan banned cattle from Fuksuhima area -
their Cesium levels: 6-times over the limit.
Some contaminated cattle grazed 70-miles from
the melting nuke plant. Here, that translates to
beyond Riverside. No one escapes the plume.
Shutting SONGS is the best idea to come to
San Clemente since Ole Hanson.
Let's get it done - now. Because with loose
nukes, "later " carries a 10,000 year-minimum
shelf life. Anyone want to talk property values?

jerry collamer
San Clemente
Ca - 92672

Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fukushima USA Sandcastle San Clemente Ocean Festival

Citizen Power

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Everybody needs some power I'm told
To shield them from the darkness and the cold
Some may see a way to take control when it's bought and sold.

I know that lives are at stake
Yours and mine and our descendants in time.
There's so much to gain, so much to lose
Everyone of us has to choose.

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Just give me the warm power of the sun
Give me the steady flow of a waterfall
Give me the spirit of living things as they return to clay.
Just give me the restless power of the wind
Give me the comforting glow of a wood fire
But please take all of your atomic poison power away.

Won't you do this for me?
Take all of your atomic poison power
Take all of your atomic poison power
Take all of your atomic poison power
San Onofre Nuclear Waste Generating Station
Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

California Anti-Nuclear Summit August 8, 2011

Musicians United For Safe Energy

The August 7, 2011 MUSE concert in Mountain View, California offers a great opportunity for California anti-nuclear activists to come together, meet each other, and talk about next steps in the campaigns to permanently close Diablo Canyon and San Onofre and bring about a nuclear-free California.

On Monday, August 8, NIRS will be hosting a summit meeting for California activists at the San Mateo County Main Library, Oak Room, 55 West 3rd Avenue, San Mateo, Ca 94402, phone: (650) 522-7802 from 10-4 pm.

Among possible agenda items: 1) a proposal from Residents Organized for a Safe Environment to support creation of a statewide fund to implement renewable energy technology; 2) ideas for a Fall action, perhaps around Diablo Canyon; 3) creation of a new statewide coalition of organizations to press for permanent shutdown of California's reactors; 4) discussion of national issues, such as the recent NRC Fukushima task force report on recommendations for regulatory changes, nuclear subsidies, radioactive waste, etc. and how they may affect California.

The agenda is still fluid, so we appreciate your ideas! Please send your ideas, proposals, etc. to nirsnet at and on twitter @nirsnet

Click here to pre-register for this one-day summit. There is no registration fee; however at this point we are still looking into lunch options and may need to request a contribution for that.

Event Location

San Mateo County Main Library
55 West 3rd Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94402

No Nukes -The Muse Concerts For A Non-Nuclear Future - Parts 1 thru 7

The No Nukes Movement, a good idea whose time has come.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The video the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not want you to see.

Why Fukushima can happen here in San Clemente

These Recommendations From The Union of Concerned Scientist (UCS) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Should Scare You.

1) The NRC should increase the value it assigns to a human life in its cost-benefit analyses so the value is consistent with other government agencies

2) The NRC should extend the scope of regulations to include the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents.

3) The NRC should modify emergency planning requirements to ensure that everyone at significant risk from a severe accident—not just the people within the arbitrary 10-mile planning zone—is protected.

4) The NRC should require plant owners to move spent fuel at reactor sites from storage pools to dry casks when it has cooled enough to do so.

5) The NRC should enforce its fire protection regulations and compel the owners of more than three dozen reactors to comply with regulations they currently violate.

6) The NRC should establish timeliness goals for resolving safety issues while continuing to meet its timeliness goals for business-related requests from reactor owners.

7) The NRC should revise its assumptions about terrorists’ capabilities to ensure nuclear plants are adequately protected against credible threats, and these assumptions should be reviewed by U.S. intelligence agencies.

8) The NRC should require new reactor designs to be safer than existing reactors.

What should the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have learned from Fukushima?

Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?

Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

San Clemente Tritium Information

10 Facts Every San Clemente Resident Should Know About Tritium (T):

1) T, aka H3, is normally bound with water (ie, a normal H and an O to make HTO, aka H2O, aka water). Tritium has a half-life of about 12.3 years.

2) Water evaporates, leaks, damages electronics and electrical equipment, flows to the sea, floods your basement, corrodes pipes, carries even more corrosive substances... Water can be nasty stuff when it's where you don't want it (tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, waterboards, inside your cell phone...).

3) No living organism, and no normal table-top chemistry process can distinguish tritium or any other radioactive substance from a stable isotope of the same substance until the moment of radioactive decay occurs. By then, of course, it's too late. (You need rows of thousands of centrifuges or other special equipment to separate various isotopes of elements. Just ask Iran, they do it all the time...)

4) Hydrogen is a basic building block of all life-forms. Proteins are molecules often containing thousands of hydrogen atoms in a precise configuration with other atoms. Damage one atom, break the special shape of the molecule in any way (as all ionizing radiation can do), and a signal protein could become a poison instead -- or at least, would fail to transmit its signal. (Life is made of signal proteins more than just about anything else.)

5) If they leak tritium, which is almost always bound up as HTO, chances are pretty good it will evaporate, and never make it into the ground. We will breath it as water vapor. It will be in doses too low to measure accurately, thanks to all the tritium everyone is already dumping into our environment. (There is very little 'natural' tritium on earth at any one time.)

6) When tritium decays, it releases a beta particle. The way beta particles harm biological systems is by the fact that they are (negatively) charged and very high speed. Damage is done on a time and distance basis: The longer and/or closer the beta particle is to another charged subatomic particle (electron) or particles (atoms, molecules) the more effect the beta particle can have on any given thing, and thus, the more damage it can cause. Therefore, virtually all the damage is done at the END of the beta particle's track. THEREFORE when the NRC or SCE describes tritium's beta particle as a "soft" or "low energy" beta particle, it is a misrepresentation, because they want you to believe that's a GOOD thing, and protects you. Actually, since they measure tritium by total energy dumped per unit of body mass, the fact that it is a relatively low energy beta release means there are more releases per total energy amount -- and thus there is MORE, not LESS, damage for a given amount of energy released! (This phenomenon is known as Bragg's Hump.)

7) Since T is usually bound with H and O as HTO (masquerading as H2O), when it decays from that state, it leaves an OH free radical molecule -- hydrogen peroxide, which is extremely damaging to cell structures in its own right! Your body does make OH but only in very controlled ways. THIS OH molecule is almost invariably in a bad place, and causes a lot of damage for a long time (eat your anti-oxidants, folks!)

8) Normal cell death is a biologically controlled function. Cells normally live until signalled by the body's control mechanisms to commit "cell suicide" (apoptosis) and then they do so, and are absorbed by a nearby cell before completely collapsing as a structural unit. It's very controlled and happens about a million times a minute inside your body, and is part of the process of life. But random cell death causes inflammation, which is NOT a good thing! And random damage to the DNA can cause cancer, which is even worse!

9) The biological hazard rating for tritium has been raised in the past, but surely is still not high enough (it's more dangerous than they admit). Tritium is used in fewer and fewer medical procedures because it is so difficult to handle safely, and so dangerous in such minute quantities.

10) A typical reactor is only allowed to release about a thirtieth of a teaspoon of tritium in a whole year! A bad year is maybe a whole teaspoon of tritium. That's how deadly this stuff is! And if that teaspoon of tritium evaporates, do you think it gets measured accurately, and properly reported? What it does get is a special dispensation from the NRC to release the extra tritium that year.

Ace Hoffman
Independent Researcher

Click here to find out more about tritium releases from San Onofre

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Nuclear Safety Myth

Does it bother you that you need to go to Al Jazeera to find any news on #Fukushima?

Join Us.

Nuke Plants + Fault Lines + Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas... Any Questions?