“These reactors produce 50 years of electricity and half a million years of waste. It’s not a particularly good deal.” Danial Hirsch
On Oct. 11, 2011 a forum on the issue of San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS) running past it's decommission date of 2013 was held here in San Clemente. Our town is closest to SONGS, which is operated by Southern California Edison. The final speaker was Danial Hirsch of CommitteeToBridgeTheGap.org, a professor at UCLA.
He makes it very clear that "What happend at Fukushima, can happen here in San Clemente." We were just lucky that it did not happen in 2011.
Here is to a lucky 2012
There is nothing good about nuclear power. The risk out weighs the reward. Shut them down... Shut down SONGS In 2013