Showing posts with label jerry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jerry. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2012

San'O Beach Rocks Catch Fire in Lady's Pants

San Onofre Surfers
Today, there's no disputing Trestles Surf Beach, and it's iconic surf mentor; San Onofre Surfing Beach (together form 7-miles of perfect, wild & wonderful world-class surfing waves, from San Clemente CA's southern border, occupying the northern 1/3rd of Camp Pendleton Marine Base's 18-mile undeveloped coastline), are now the certifiably, undisputed, hottest two surf spot on the planet, bar none, as of May 16. 2012. How hot? So hot, the rocks on the beach catch fire. Really. Google Beach Rocks Catch Fire in Lady's Pants. You'll see.

How could beach rocks catch fire? Because Trestles and San Onofre are HOT!!!, duh. But what makes beach rocks hot there? Hot enough to catch fire (yikes), and no where else on the planet's gazillion miles of rocky coastlines? Hmm, could it be the presence of a leaky, creaky nuclear power plant, combined with a 200-square mile 75-year old military training facility - both right there, with both facilities dumping no end of radiated water, spent and unspent military ordinances into that ocean everyday nonstop, for a combined 100-years? If the rocks on the beach catch fire, how are the fish doing? How are the surfers doing? How is the ocean doing? No need to bring matches to Trestles. Just rub two rocks together.

In 1969, Ohio's Cuyahoga River caught fire, setting the standard for really stupid human neglect of our environment. On May 16, 2012, Trestles and San Onofre set a new scary standard for human mistreatment of our oceans. Because when rocks on the beach ignite, we're in serious trouble neighbor.

Jerry Collamer
San Clemente
Ca - 92672

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SONGS was designed to be decommissioned in 2013.

At the mention of nuclear meltdown, and its cataclysmic results (hello Fukushima), the nuke industry's chorus erupts in unified denial, "It can't happen!" But it does happen. In Japan and Russia, nukes' tragic opera has no end. Reality, televises the unimaginable horrors of nuclear gone haywire, beginning with the end of WWII. Chernobyl does too. Now Fukushima is worse even. Facts is Facts: "San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station" SONGS was designed to be decommissioned in 2013. Today, SONGS is an old piece of machinery, sitting on sand, over earthquake faults, at water's edge, housing 4,000 tons of nuclear waste. The same overheated poision rendering Fukushima deadly forever after. It doesn't take a nuclear engineer to grasp the everlasting impacts of nuclear meltdown. But apparently, it takes a nuclear engineer to deny it. Shutting SONGS by 2013 was the promise. Its creators knew full well its safe life span. Super heated metals only last so long. 2013 was SONGS drop-dead date. But Edison wants to push the envelope. Move the goal posts. Is SONGS' measly 6.5% electrical output worth it? Is San Clemente worth it? Deniers will always deny. Maybe it's their job. Maybe they're trying to convince themselves. Whichever. It doesn't change SONGS' scary reality. Imagine SONGS gone. Doesn't that feel better? It does to me. Sorry meltdown deniers. We can live happily ever after without SONGS. But there are no guarantees, we can live with it. 2013 was the promise, for good reason. jerry collamer San Clemente Ca - 92672