Showing posts with label Occupy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Occupy. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2012

C’mon People – Time to Flex Some Muscle

Let's put the NRC on NOTICE and get others to do the same.
You can see how far they are willing to let things go by looking at the old generator they replaced.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Open Letter to San Clemente City Council - Request for Response

Before you read this, I'd just like to point out that this is DAY 17 without any nuclear power coming from San Onofre, and the lights are still on. I think maybe they need us more than we need them.

Mayor and Councilmembers,

After coming so far on the issues surrounding nuclear power,  I am deeply disappointed that none of you took the time to even respond to our recent requests on this pressing topic. This Tuesday’s city council meeting has a light agenda and could have been the perfect opportunity to consider our concerns and come to some decision in your official capacity.

Our first request was to direct staff to look into having a Radiation Monitoring Station in San Clemente. Secondly, we wanted you to investigate the possibility of having an Epidemiological Study done to determine if there are any indications that we have an unusual number of health problems which might be related to radiation exposure. Thirdly, we simply wanted you to participate with us in our Fukushima Remembered event to honor those lost and still suffering from the devastating earthquake and tsunami of 3/11/11.

I can't understand why none of these requests measured up to the level of significance that might be worthy of your response. We currently are awaiting the news from Edison about how much radiation may have been released based on the extent of damage to the new generator tubes at San Onofre. France has recently released reports of higher incidences of cancer around nuclear power plants, especially amongst children. Japan continues to suffer the consequences of politicians and government agencies neglecting their responsibilities to consider public safety above the will of the industry. How is it that these revelations do not resonate in your hearts and minds when your public repeatedly brings them to your attention?

Again, we ask you to place these matters of great concern to many of the residents of San Clemente on your next agenda. Please find it within your fiduciary responsibility to act wisely and swiftly. Today there was a news report in Reuters where Japan's former Premier expressed how 3/11 changed his way of thinking about nuclear power.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan said, “The Fukushima crisis destroyed the myth that atomic energy is safe, cheap and clean and prompted Japan to scrap a plan to boost its share of electricity demand to more than half by 2030. While many technological measures can be taken to secure safety at nuclear power plants, such measures on their own cannot cover great risks," said Kan, sitting in front of a calligraphy scroll inscribed with the ancient Chinese proverb "Be Brave, But Not Reckless".

Kan's defenders say a key cause of his downfall was his call to wean Japan from nuclear power -- a stance popular with the public but opposed by many including politically powerful utilities.
(see full article here)

Respectfully yours,
Gary Headrick

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

San Onofre Nuclear Reactor Shut Down After Leak

Radioactive water spills into containment dome, yet there is no danger to the public, officials say.

Here we go again. The public relations experts step up to reassure the public that all is well. Meanwhile, I get this message from a whistle-blower, " So much for installing brand new steam generators for 800 million. SCE is really down playing the seriousness of this."

Someday we will hear the sirens go off, and it won't be another false alarm. In fact, I sit here wondering if this may actually develop into the dreaded nuclear nightmare. Is this our Fukushima? If not, it is only a matter of time. We must understand that the protective measures that were once in place no longer exist. It is up to you and me, the people standing in harms way, to demand a shutdown of these unnecessary reactors that threaten the livelihood and well being of more than 8 million people, all for 7% of our energy.

Let's make them prove they are safe to operate and that they have addressed the lessons learned from Fukushima before we allow them to continue on the reckless path they are on. How many more warnings will we get? Do we really need a total meltdown in America in order to accept the reality that nuclear power is extremely dangerous? Are we the ones that are going to have to be sacrificed as the example that Americans can no longer ignore?

Unfortunately, I am beginning to believe that we won't take any serious steps to avoid a Fukushima-like event until it happens in our country. With all the warning signs, no one will be surprised when it does take place here. It is only a matter of time. San Onofre, with a safety record ten times worse than the industry norm, sitting next to a fault line exceeding the design basis for this nuclear power plant that is reaching its intended 40 year lifespan in 2013, is a very likely candidate for failure.

That is why we are planning an event to remember Fukushima on the upcoming anniversary. People need to remember the lessons that the Japanese are still enduring. The no-go zone in Japan is a 12.5 mile radius and it is estimated that it will take 40 years before it might be safe to return (if ever). The cost of cleanup is already in excess of $120 Billion.

Can you imagine that happening here? No use of the main freeway between LA and San Diego, a major military base rendered useless, thousands of homes and businesses that can't be insured against such a disaster, all the people left homeless and with very few possessions, for who knows how long. The financial disaster alone would be staggering, let alone the deaths and disease and environmental degradation that are more difficult to substantiate or quantify.

Just yesterday, I participated in a webinar with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission who wanted some public feedback on the proposition that we store highly radioactive waste on site for another two or three hundred years. What are these people charged with the public's safety thinking about other than what is best for the industry?

Let's move away from this outdated dangerous technology and replace it with safe and sustainable options that will lead us to a brighter future. We can live without it as seen in this very moment when no power is coming from San Onofre. It won't be nearly as bad as they make it out to be.

Please join the people's movement to shut down our nuclear power plant before it is too late. Go to, or send an email to to get involved, to do your part, because those that you think you can count on are not on your side. Stand with us. Go with the precautionary principle. There is too much at stake for too little in return. No Fukushimas here. We know better and so do you.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Nuclear Power, Private Profit, Public Risk" Special Presentation 5pm Occupy Irvine

San Clemente Green has been invited to speak at Occupy Irvine about nuclear power issues. This will be a well attended event with our supporters, the growing encampment in OC and will also be drawing from the Occupy LA movement. We are pleased to continue the momentum that our awareness campaign has gained by sharing our concerns with this peaceful and action-oriented group.

Topic - "Nuclear Power, Private Profit, Public Risk"
Where - One Civic Center at the intersection of Alton Pkwy and Harvard Ave.
When - Saturday, 12/10/11 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm (or stay for General Assembly meeting to follow).
* Parking is available at the adjacent Police Dept at first drive on Alton (or at Civic Center - not quite as close).
Dress VERY warm and bring a chair (and maybe a blanket!)

Also, please vote YES in the Shutdown San Onofre Poll at