
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

San Onofre Nuke Questions That Need To Be Answered By The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Prior To The Upcoming Oct. 9, 2012 Meeting

Here are some questions for the Public and MSM Reporters to ask the NRC prior to the Public Meeting scheduled about restarting San Onofre on Oct. 9, 2012:

  1. Has the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) Root Cause Evaluation been completed and available for Public Viewing on the NRC Website?
  2. When will the Southern California Edison (SCE) Restart Plan and supporting documents be available for Public Viewing on the NRC Website?
  3. Will the NRC Chairwoman, other Commissioners and/or Senator Barbara Boxer be available at the Public Meeting to assure public of a thorough, unbiased and complete investigation by NRC?
  4. Besides SCE, will MHI Representatives be available to answer questions by the Public Groups?
  5. Which interest groups will be consulted and allowed to have representation at the Table?  How many Representatives each?  Who will decide who gets to speak and for how long?  Will people viewing the meeting via the web get to ask questions?

  •   Friends of the Earth (FOE)
  •   Fairewinds Energy Education (FEE)
  •   San Clemente Green (SCG)
  •   The Committee to Bridge the Gap (CBG)
  •   The General Public

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