
Saturday, September 15, 2012


ACTION ALERT: ACT NOW & share this with your friends. We need hundreds of emails in their inbox Monday morning (use your gmail to get your email to them if you have one), and hundreds on calls Monday morning. Call Sen Boxer, NRC MacFarlane, NRC Elmo Collins. The last call I had with the NRC today they didn't seem to be moving yet. But with calls on Monday and emails boxes full it could turn the tide next week.

Very suspect timing. SCE files for restart of unit 2 on October 5. But because of the weekend & Columbus Day the report won't reach anyone in the NRC until Tuesday, October 9 the day of our next meeting w/NRC which means they won't have read it, so they won't discuss it at the October 9 meeting. Which is of course what we all want to talk about. Does anyone think this timing was a coincidence?

NRC rents a building for almost $24,000 to have a public meeting about the many problems at San Onofre Generating Waste Station when we have given them leads on two buildings for rent for 1 day under $500 with all the needed facilities. But at the St. Regis Monarch Beach Hotel they want us to pay $10 for velet parking, which will easily make the hotel another 5 to $6000.

If you agree with many of us that a $10 parking fee is unfair for our many senior citizens & other who want to come to this meeting about public safety but will be unable to attend because of this, join us in writing a email or calling both: Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, or Tel: 301-415-1750
Elmo Collins or Tel: 817-200-1225
Sen Boxer Tel: 202-224-3553
and demand they pay for the parking no matter what the cost as part of their rental fee. After all either way it is the taxpayer & ratepayers money.

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