
Friday, March 21, 2014

To all who will help make California safe for our children's future

To all who will help make California safe for our children's future,

Public meeting of the new SCE CEP (Community Engagement Panel) about the decommissioning of SONGS will be Tuesday, March 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. . The meeting will be held at the San Clemente Community Center and people will have a 3 minute comment period at some point in this meeting.  San Clemente Community Center is located at 100 North Calle Seville, San Clemente, CA.

This is the start of a very important process for our community and all of Southern California. Please tell your friend and show up to this meeting if at all possible.

Just some of the issues we need talked about are at this meeting:

High burnup fuel at San Onofre 
Waste storage at San Onofre
Dry Cask being storage in the safest way
If problem happens in the Cask what is SCE plan to mitigate this problem, if none exist then SCE needs to develop adequate strategies to detect and mitigate unexpected degradation during dry storage.
transportation casks for HBF does not exist

I will send another email with the latest document from Marvin Resnikoff and Donna Gilmore on High burnup fuel.

Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)

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