
Thursday, October 11, 2012


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is headed by five Commissioners appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for five-year terms. One of them is designated by the President to be the Chairman and official spokesperson of the Commission. Find out more about the Commissioners:

We NOW need to take our Core Message to all five Commissioners, based on NRC Regional Administrator Elmo Collins' statement in the NRC Public Mtg last night that requests for an adjudicated evidentiary hearing from panel and audience members were heard loud and clear. And that, while by policy, the NRC does not have a hearing requirement in place, a decision on if and when such a hearing will happen is up to the five-member NRC board.

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane: Tel: 301-415-1750 E-Mail:

Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki: Tel: 301-415-1855
(She is on Facebook, too: Kristine Svinicki -- you can Message her w/o being Friends.)

Commissioner George Apostolakis: Tel: 301-415-1810 E-Mail:

Commissioner William D. Magwood: Tel: 301-415-8420 E-Mail:

Commissioner William C. Ostendorff: Tel: 301-415-1800 E-Mail:

Our Core Message: "We oppose Edison's proposed re-start of the defective Unit 2 at San Onofre and demand a full, transparent Adjudicatory Hearing and License Amendment process, including evidentiary hearings with sworn testimony and cross-examination which include experts independent of the NRC, Edison and the nuclear power industry. This public meeting is NOT a proxy nor a substitute for this process. Given how we got to this point and the serious loss of faith by the public in the NRC and Edison as a result, we can see no reason why all five NRC commissioners would not want this as well."

For maximum transparency and public engagement, we want this Adjudicatory Hearing to be held IN Southern California, at a venue that is fully accessible to the public, with ample, free parking and public transit service. NOT at a posh, private resort that limited access by the media and the public at the NRC's public meeting at the St. Regis Monarch Bay Resort in Dana Point on October 9, 2012, for which $24,000 was outrageously paid.

Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)

1 comment:

  1. Share the Root Cause documentation with the public ASAP or admit that the NRC is hiding behind the Industry PR to CYA ...

    Region IV has much to disclose about why they allowed SCE to install $680 million RSG's that were N☢T a LIKE-FOR-LIKE replacement without the NRC knowing all about it!

    San Onofre now has more damaged and or plugged tubes than the rest of the US nuclear reactors combined, why has the NRC allowed that to happen?


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