
Monday, August 13, 2012

Congressional Briefing On Nuclear Safety

I am calling because of my concerns over the dangers of nuclear power and nuclear waste in this country. After the worst ongoing nuclear disaster in human history at Fukushima, a growing group of U.S. citizens have come together to address concerns involving our own aging and decrepit fleet of 104 nuclear reactors.

They have arranged a Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill, on Thurs, Sept. 20th, from 2 – 4 pm in the Cannon Building, Room 121.

Presenters will include experts from Physicians for Social Responsibility, Beyond Nuclear, the Nuclear Information and Resource Services, and others and will provide members of Congress with the most up-to-date knowledge on issues from nuclear waste to nuclear safety.

As a constituent, I am asking that (Rep or Sen) _______ attend this Congressional Briefing or send an aide to hear this expert testimony.

Once again the Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill is on Thurs, Sept. 20th, from 2 – 4 pm in the Cannon Building, Room 121.

May I count on the attendance of (Rep or Sen)______ or one of (his/her) aides at this briefing?
Hello ___(Aide’s name)___, My name is ___, I am a constituent of (Rep or Sen) ___.

ACTION ALERT: We need you to call your Representative today!
Find your Congresperson at:

Ask your rep to watch this video by Daniel Hirsch, a Lecturer in Nuclear Policy at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is the former Director of the Stevenson Program on Nuclear Policy at UCSC. Hirsch is also President of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, a forty-year-old nonprofit organization working to reduce risks of nuclear accident, nuclear proliferation, nuclear terrorism, and problems of radioactive waste disposal. Shortly after the Fukushima accident began, Hirsch was asked to testify before the Select Committee on Earthquake and Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery of the California Senate on the implications of the disaster for the Diablo Canyon and San Onofre reactors.

1 comment:

  1. Please click on the DAB Safety Team Documents tab at the top of this page for much more technical information about San Onofre!


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