
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Public Hearing TONIGHT

SONGS and NRC spoke. Now it's our turn,
to speak, listen and learn the Truth about
SONGS, and why the plant must close, now.

SCGreen has compiled an impressive group
of speakers from the nuke-industry, who oppose
nuclear generation of electricity.

I know you know.

Tonight the San Clemente Community Center - 6:30,
is a must come.

Reason being, we need a solid public turn-out
to show, we as a community are deeply concerned
about a Fukushima event happening here?

'Deeply concerned' is the under statement of the century
for every SC property owner.


1 comment:

  1. San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Public Hearing TONIGHT <-- that's what i was looking for
    Thesis Dissertation


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