
Did You Know?

Did You Know:

1. Nuclear reactor containment vessels in the U.S. show signs of serious cracks. (Fairwinds Assoc. latest video address)

2. Nuclear reactor containment vessel vents are defective at all U.S. plants and can lead to explosions at those reactors

3. Seawalls can be destroyed by tsunamis and expose nuclear power plants to irreversible damage leading to nuclear meltdowns  (SONGS Seawall)

4. SONGS is accumulating dead sea birds on its roof leading to rain water flowing into critical electrical equipment inside the plant  (what is killing the seagulls at SONGS?)

5. SONGS is impacted by bizarre 24"-36" long mollusks in its seawater intake pipes and cooling condensers, threatening to shut down the reactors unless SCE scalds huge amounts of sea life on a regular basis.

6. SONGS has enough spent fuel onsite to render Southern California a dead zone in the event of a spent fuel fire

7. SONGS has whistle-blower employees that warn us to be afraid of conditions within the facility

8. SONGS has Fuel Fleas which are microscopic particles of uranium fuel that are loose in the facility and have escaped in the past and killed an employee's spouse.  ( KENNEDY vs.. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY )

9. Spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants must be safeguarded for thousands of years so as not to fall into the hands of terrorists who can easily weaponize it and kill millions of Americans.  We saw what terrorists can do with a few box cutters, imagine what they could do with tons of nuclear fuel!

10. The NRC has a long and shameful track record of being totally ineffective in protecting the U.S. public from a nuclear catastrophe like Fukushima.  Now they are blindly relicensing defective reactors in the U.S. but admit that they do not have the technical expertise to analyze the dangers at those nuclear power plants.

11. Nuclear power plants can explode and this horrific fact has been kept from the public

12. A single reactor meltdown can lead to a secondary explosion that can turn a region as large as Europe into a dead zone.  Vasilly Nesternenko the head of the USSR nuclear weapons program confirmed this fact after the meltdown at Chernobyl !

13. We don't need nuclear power.  It is that simple.

14. Nuclear power provides us with only 7.4 % of our electricity

15. Because radioactive fallout is silent, tasteless, odorless and colorless, we must rely on the government to tell us when they are contaminating us with deadly radiation from their power plants. (They are not "our power plants because we the public do not have any say in how they are run or inspected)  DO YOU TRUST YOUR GOVERNMENT WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH?

16. Where would we evacuate to if radioactive fallout can travel thousand of miles in a short amount of time?  

17.  Now that you have seen the impacts of Fukushima and Chernobyl are you okay with "sheltering in place" and defending your family against deadly levels of radioactive fallout with a roll of duct tape?  This is what FEMA said we should do.  That is as absurd as giving tsunami zone residents a mask and snorkel to protect themselves from a tsunami.

18.  Did you know that radioactive fallout from a nuclear power plant can contaminate your neighborhood for tens of thousands of years?  Plutonium found around the Fukushima plant has a radioactive half life of 24,000 years

19. Fukushima's radioactive fallout has shown us that a nuclear accident anywhere is a nuclear accident everywhere

20. If Japan and Russia are among the most technologically advanced societies in the world and were overwhelmed by their nuclear disasters, what would happen if chaotic nation like Mexico, India, Pakistan, Iran, Eastern Europe, or North Korea lost control of their reactors?  Would they be able to stop the spread of radiation from contaminating the entire hemisphere the way Chernobyl did?

21. Robert Oppenheimer the man who gave us nuclear power, contemplated suicide after coming to the realization that society fundamentally lacks the moral compunction to protect itself from the destructive potential of nuclear power.